How to Create a Character in Guild Wars 2

Written By Admin on Kamis, 17 Mei 2012 | 01.03

By Nguyet Hickenbottom

Many people believe that 2012 is going to be different. The Maya says that 2012 is going to the end of the world and we will disappear through the world. There are disasters during the years but we have got through them. No matter if you do believe the doomsday, I do not believe it. In my eyes, 2012 is going to be a big year. The reason for I say so is because of the Guild Wars 2.

After the dragon woke, the beasts stirred from their sleep under the sea and earth. The dragon wants to spread destruction and create his legion of slaves. The dragon is deathless as well as its name is Zhaitan. The dragon finally raised the sunken nation of Orr. It can trigger earthquake and tidal waves. The waves can destroy the entire city where people live. The city is full of sorrow. Then the undead army of the dragon surged from the sea. They can buy GW2 gold to obtain the things they need.

He will probably come back into the fight soon after he revives. The cheap GW2 gold is easy to get on the web. With the statue crumbles, it will wind up the anger of a shaman. The shaman will step in the wars from a mountain nearby and it will scream at everyone. The shaman will step on the statues' ruins and summon a vortex of the rock and ice.

The Norn comes from the frigid northern part of the land. The Sylvari is the mystical young race on the land. It is said that they are evolved from a kind of plant. The particular humans are embattled but they are resilient. All the five races of people are willing to unite to eliminate the evil dragon.

Two of the three teams can get together to fight against the third team, if the third team is more dominant. The teams will fight over the objectives on each map. They will be separated from the main game world. They can also gain points for capture the enemies. The particular battles will last about two weeks. After you win your team is ranked. The rank will determine your own opponents in the future battles.

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