Kennewick WA Chiropractor Helps Ease Neck Pain

Written By Admin on Rabu, 21 November 2012 | 01.23

By Guy Lobdell

Neck pain affects three quarters of the population at some point in their lives. It is one of the most common reasons for trips to the doctor. Medication can be used to mask the symptoms, but may produce unwanted side-effects. A Kennewick chiropractor resolves the causes of cervical pain with safe and effective drug-free therapies.

Neck pain may be due to problems with muscles, nerves or joints. The cervical spine consists of the seven vertebrae between the base of the skull and the upper back. Bordering it is the spinal cord, containing nerves which carry signals from the brain to the body. Structures in the neck must be strong enough to support the head, but flexible enough to rotate it.

Some neck problems come on suddenly following an accident or injury. However, the majority develop gradually over time. Weak abdominal muscles, poor posture or obesity can cause vertebrae to shift out of alignment. As people age, the cervical spine may be affected by degenerative disorders including herniated discs, osteoarthritis or stenosis. A stressful lifestyle can produce tension and stiffness in neck muscles.

When patients with neck pain visit the Kennewick chiropractic clinic, they are thoroughly assessed. The doctor discusses their symptoms in detail before performing physical and neurological exams. He then carefully observes their posture and movement. Suspected disorders within the cervical spine are confirmed with x-rays or MRI scans.

Cervical manipulation can be beneficial for many patients with neck problems. The chiropractor restores the vertebrae to the correct alignment using gentle manual adjustments. This procedure removes pressure from the spinal cord, relieving pain caused by pinched nerves. It also reduces neck stiffness, improving mobility.

The Kennewick chiropractor employs additional therapies depending on the patient's individual needs. Ultrasound calms inflammation, relieves pain and accelerates the healing of damaged tissue. Soft tissue massage relaxes tense, aching neck muscles. Physical rehabilitation exercises help to restore full range of motion.

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