Understanding Typical Attributes Of Royal Standard Poodles For Sale

Written By Admin on Selasa, 06 September 2016 | 00.32

By Donald Snyder

Choosing to adopt a dog is something to which one should give serious consideration. It is a good idea to gather information about the particular breed of interests since factors like personality traits, energy levels, health, grooming requirements, temperament and size can all have a major impact. When looking for Royal Standard Poodles for sale, knowing what to expect can make the selection easier.

According to the American Kennel Club, the Poodle is the 8th most popular breed in the U. S. This is due to several factors, including their very elegant and attractive looks, their fun-loving and energetic personalities, and especially their extremely high intelligence. These dogs are frequent winners in shows, but are equally as wonderful as family pets or personal companions.

The breed has only three officially recognized size categories; Toys, Miniature, and Standards. Royals are actually those that are significantly larger than the normal range for this type of canine. This particular grouping, sometimes referred to as Giants, usually ranges in height between 22" and 28" inches at the shoulder, weighing as much as 90lbs when fully grown, with a lifespan of 12 - 18 years.

When properly groomed, these dogs take on a square appearance, due to their proportionate legs giving them the same length and height measurements. Their small, roundish head sports eyes that are dark, almond-shaped, and far-set, a long, narrow muzzle, and flat ears that lay very close to their skull. Arched toes tip their petite oval feet while their top line is quite level, and the tail upright and rigid.

One rather interesting trait attributed to this breed is that instead of fur, they have hair which may be curly and soft, or corded tightly, with both styles producing low dander and not shedding. Generally, their coloring is in solid hues of cream, apricot, cafe au lait, brown, silver, grey, white, blue, and most commonly, black. There are some dogs that come out multi-toned, and are labeled as either Mismarked, Phantom, Tuxedo, or Parti.

When selecting a puppy for adoption, new pet owners should be aware that it is not uncommon for this breed to change color up to about 2 years of age. The parents' coloring does not necessarily dictate that of the puppies. Offspring of various hues can all be born within the same litter regardless of what the Dame and Sire look like.

When it comes to grooming needs, these dogs are kind of high-maintenance because their nails and hair grow constantly and need to be attended properly. They are quite active and very social, so they require lots of exercise and plenty of attention. Because the breed is so intelligent, they can be trained easily, although it is important for owners to remain consistent, as the dogs have a tendency to want to claim the position of Alpha when it seems no one else has.

This type of dog has a lot of versatility, being adaptable to any type of climate, and able to fit various housing situations, including apartments. They do have a tendency to bark at loud or unexpected noises, as a means of protecting their family, however, they are not an aggressive breed. Knowing these attributes prior to adopting a puppy can make the transition into the new home much smoother and more pleasant.

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