Kisah Mengharukan Tukang Sampah Indonesia di Stasiun Televisi Inggris

Written By Admin on Selasa, 31 Januari 2012 | 15.00

Laporan mengenai kisah tukang sampah Jakarta yang disebut sebagai kota dengan pertumbuhan kota yang cukup pesat di dunia ditayangkan stasiun televisi Inggris BBC2, Minggu malam.

Laporan wartawan BBC London berjudul "Toughest Place to be a binman," membandingkan tukang sampah di London dan Jakarta menarik perhatian masyarakat Indonesia tidak saja di Inggris tetapi juga di Brussel,dan Amerika Serikat yang bisa menyaksikan tayangan tersebut melalui BBC Iplayer.

Selama satu jam laporan mengenai kisah Imam, tukang sampah di Jakarta yang bekerja mengumpulkan sampah setiap harinya dengan gerobaknya sementara diawal tayangan, tukang sampah dari Inggris Wilbur Ramirez mengunakan truk dan bekerja dengan dua rekannya.

Dalam laporan mendalamnya itu, BBC London membandingkan bagaimana kerja tukang sampah yang dikenal dengan binman di Inggris dengan tukang sampah di Jakarta yang sangat jauh berbeda dilihat dari berbagai segi bahkan kesehatan dan keselamatan.

Bahkan Wilbur Ramirez, ayah dua anak itu pun hidup bersama Imam dan keluarganya di perkampungan miskin ditengah tengah kehidupan kota Jakarta yang kaya dan sangat timpang antara yang kaya dan miskin.

Wilbur Ramirez, selama 10 hari, mengikuti Imam bekerja mengumpulkan sampah di kota yang disebutkan sebagai kota yang padat penduduk dan sampah menjadi masalah besar.

"Kamu bekerja dengan siapa saja," tanya London binman Wilbur Ramirez kepada Imam yang dijawab ia bekerja sendiri mengumpulkan sampah dari rumah ke rumah.
Melihat kehidupan Iman, ternyata Wilbur seringkali merasa terharu dan bahkan meneteskan air mata, mana mungkin dengan gaji yang tidak seberapa Imam dapat hidup bersama anak dan istrinya meskipun mereka sama-sama bekerja sebagai tukang sampah selama lima tahun .

Zulindatando Berry Natalegawa menulis di laman facebook nya menulis "sediiiiiih banget liat acara di BBC 2 di London hari ini acara seorang bin man London ke Jakarta berbagi pengalaman".

"Sangat memalukan sekali kota Jakarta ternyata sangat kotor dan masih terbelakang sekali cara kerjanya," ujar istri Berry Natalegawa, kakak Menlu Marty Natalegawa.

Menurut Linda, demikian Zulindatando Berry Natalegawa, biasa disapa seharusnya para pejabat malu menyaksikan acara yang menjadi perhatian masyarakat di Inggris.

"Apa enggak malu? malah wakil rakyat seenak enaknya ambil uang rakyat apa lagi pemimpin Negara yang tidak peduli sangat memalukan, semoga Allah bukakan mata dan telinga para pemimpin negara ini," ujar Linda yang bekerja di Kedutaan Besar Brunei Darussalam di London dan merekam program tersebut dan akan membawa ke Jakarta.

Dalam laporannya disebutkan Wilbur pun ikut mengumpulkan sampah dan bahkan menjajal melakukannya seorang diri dari rumah ke rumah.

"Sampah........," teriak ayah dua anak yang istrinya tidak merasa malu kalau suaminya menjadi tukang sampah.

Wilbur pun tidak dapat membendung air matanya ketika berkisah bagaimana kehidupan Iman dengan keluarganya yang tidak tersentuh oleh pelayanan kesehatan.

Dari dunia kesehatan dan keselamatan sadar pengelolaan limbah Inggris, Wilbur pun merasa takjub bagaimana sampah yang menumpuk di Bantargerbang dan dikerumuni oleh para pemulung tanpa memperhatikan kesehatan dan keselamatan mereka.

"Nangis aku nontonnya.....bukan nangisin tukang sampah Inggris, tetapi rakyat kita yang kerja mengais-ngais sampah," ujar Yanti Hitalessy.

Laporan dari BBC itu pun menjadi bahan diskusi di laman facebook yang antara lain disebut oleh Lies Parish meskipun sama berprofesi sebagai tukang sampah atau binmen namun pekerjaan dan kehidupan mereka sungguh jauh berbeda.

Bahkan London binmen pun sampai menangis menyaksikan bagaimana tukang sampah di Jakarta, ujar Lies Parish yang lebih dari 14 tahun menetap di Inggris.

Hamiyah Panama, ibu Amelie yang pernah menetap di Inggris dan kini tinggal di Brussel yang juga menyaksikan tayangan tersebut mengakui bahwa acara benar-benar kontras kehidupan di sana, miris.

Begitupun yang ditulis Tjatri Dwimunali yang tinggal di Bristol menulis tukang sampah di Inggris yang ikut bekerja sebagai tukang sampah di Jakarta pun merasa prihatin akan nasib tukang sampah di Jakarta, dan bahkan sering menangis melihat keadaan tukang sampah di Jakarta.

Diakhir laporan Wilbur yang tidak dapat membayangkan perjalanan kehidupan Imam dengan gaji yang tidak seberapa itu menemukan kehidupan Imam yang mendominasi, dan ketidakberdayaannya untuk mengubah keadaannya.

Pada akhirnya setelah Wilbur berbicara dengan ketua RT yang minta agar Imam mendapat kenaikan gaji pun dapat dikabulkan.
15.00 | 0 komentar

4 Kesalahan Menggunakan ATM Yang Bisa Merampok Uang Anda Sendiri

Demi melindungi rekening, Anda seharusnya menutupi keypad pada mesin ATM ketika akan memasukkan PIN. Anda tidak mengambil uang di ATM yang terletak di daerah yang gelap dan sepi. Anda juga sudah mengenali ATM mana yang sering membuat kartu tertelan. Semua tindakan pengamanan ini memang akan mencegah penjahat menjarah uang Anda secara langsung. Namun, apakah Anda telah menjaga agar saldo rekening Anda tidak dibelanjakan sembarangan? Hati-hati, bila Anda melakukan kebiasaan seperti di bawah ini, Anda akan merampok uang Anda sendiri tanpa sadar.

Biaya-biaya ATM
Saat kali pertama mendapatkan kartu ATM (ketika baru membuka rekening di bank), Anda perlu menanyakan secara detail berapa banyak Anda akan di-charge ketika menggunakan ATM. Entah itu saat menarik dana tunai, mentransfer uang, atau membayar tagihan (bila ada, sesuai bank penerbit kartu ATM Anda). Jadi Anda tahu, misalnya, makin sering Anda mentransfer uang ke bank lain, maka makin banyak fee yang di-charge dari saldo rekening Anda.

PIN yang mudah diterka
Anda tentu tidak ingin menciptakan angka PIN yang asal-asalan karena pasti sulit diingat. Mencatatnya di ponsel atau di kertas yang disimpan di dompet akan membantu, tetapi cara ini tidak aman. Namun, ada cara yang juga tidak disarankan, yaitu membuat PIN yang mudah diterka. Misalnya, dari ulang tahun Anda, ulang tahun anak, atau apapun yang mudah diketahui oleh pencuri. Pencuri yang tidak Anda kenal mungkin mengetahuinya dari kartu identitas yang tercecer. Sementara itu, “pencuri” yang ternyata orang-orang di sekitar Anda, dan sudah menggenggam kartu ATM Anda, bisa menebak-nebak saja. Untuk menciptakan nomor PIN yang mudah diingat, lihatlah pada huruf-huruf di keypad ponsel, lalu pilih sebuah kata yang dirangkai dari sejumlah angka.

Tidak melacak pembayaran yang dilakukan
Banyak orang yang malas mencatat pengeluaran. Namun jika Anda ingin selalu mengikuti budget yang sudah Anda tentukan, maka Anda perlu tahu untuk apa saja uang dibelanjakan. Apakah Anda menggunakan kartu ATM untuk menarik dana tunai atau mendebetnya saat makan di luar, mengisi bensin, ngopi di gerai kopi, atau membeli buku-buku? Sedikit-sedikit, tetapi bila dilakukan berulang kali, tentu penarikan ini akan menjadi banyak. Mintalah bon pembayaran setiap kali Anda membelanjakan uang.

Memperlakukannya seperti kartu kredit
Meskipun kartu ATM diciptakan untuk memudahkan Anda dalam menggunakan uang, jangan menggunakannya seperti saat menggunakan kartu kredit. Misalnya, ketika membeli sesuatu dengan kartu kredit, Anda bisa mengaturnya agar baru ditagih pada bulan berikutnya. Jika membayar dengan kartu debet, maka Anda akan kehilangan uang saat itu juga. Ketika menarik uang tunai dari ATM, ada batas maksimal mengenai jumlah uang yang akan ditarik. Namun, hal ini tidak tergantung saldo rekening Anda. Hal ini berbeda dengan penarikan tunai dari kartu kredit, yang didasarkan pada prosentase dari limit kartu kreditnya. Sederhananya, pada beberapa kasus, mengontrol pengeluaran akan lebih susah jika Anda menggunakan kartu ATM.
12.59 | 0 komentar

Silk Scarves And Knit Fashion Options

By Lisa Q. Mead

Many ladies are now using silk scarves to adorn their fall and winter wardrobes with a touch of fine style. Naturally, scarves have long been an extremely popular accessory during fall and winter, and with good reason. They are simple to combine with lots of different outfits and styles, adding a unique touch that can add a lot of style to even a simple ensemble. An additional reason they are very popular is that you can use them with lots of different outfits, whether you have put together a casual look or are getting dressed for a day in the office. How will you select beautiful scarves for yourself and what are some ways to get a good deal on scarves online?

The mix of a stylish look and a fantastic texture is catapulting silk scarves into the world of high fashion. You can use a silk scarf with nearly any outfit thanks to designers that have produced them in tons of different prints, designs, and colors. For a more subtle and professional attire look, choose solid colors. But if you want to create a fun and casual outfit, go with whatever colors and prints fit your personal fancy.

The soft, attractive feel of silk has also made many women fall in love with these stylish accessories. As these scarves become increasingly popular, designers try to find increasingly fashionable ways to stand out amongst the rest, using beaded and rhinestone decorated scarves. It is fascinating how well beaded scarves can match with a simple, yet formal dress for an amazing style that is hard to beat. A nice scarf can place the finishing touch on a perfect formal outfit that is sure to earn you lots of well deserved complements.

You may be wondering how you will ever be able to afford silk scarves, but do not fret. Designer scarves made from high quality silk and other fabrics are available at surprisingly good prices at online stores. If you are willing to spend only a few minutes comparing prices at some of your favorite online accessory shops, you are sure to find some great scarves.

Wear silk scarves plus other accessories, like shawls & wraps, to create a unique personal style. You will be able to use these lovely accessories to add a significant touch of style to your outfit.

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00.39 | 0 komentar

How to Enjoy Your DVD Online Shopping

Written By Admin on Senin, 30 Januari 2012 | 00.50

By Nia Lawrence

A lot of families constantly enjoy whenever they have their movie bonding/marathon sessions at home. Some cook a simple meal or order some comfort food that they can share as they watch their favorite movies. Doing this is actually perfect, particularly for people who want to spend quality time with loved ones on a limited budget. You can just simply order or rent your favorite cheap DVD movie titles and watch them at home with the family.

There are surely a lot of local video stores in your area. They offer different film genres such as comedy, action, horror, drama, and fantasy. However, looking around video stores can leave you very frustrated when you cannot find the movie titles you've been dreaming to watch. For some people, time may also be a concern. They may be too busy to roam around shops and pick the titles they want to rent or buy. An ideal solution to both these problems is to search for cheap DVD titles on the web. Nowadays, almost anything and everything can be found online. You can find numerous online stores selling movie titles in different genres. Just click on the category you want and you'll surely find a wide array of movie titles available.

To make the most out of your DVD shopping, the store you'll be visiting is an important consideration. Of course, you need to find an online shop that offers a vast collection of movie titles. The store also needs to be credible. To know that they really provide good products and customer service, you can check out some review sites on the web. Just simply type the name of the store and you'll surely find some relevant info about it.

As for movie titles, you can save a lot of time and effort if you already know what specific title you want. You can just select the genre you prefer and browse through the movie collections in that category. If you have no idea what specific titles to choose, check out some sites listing some popular movies for a particular year or genre. You can also check out the movie title first and search for some movie reviews and feedback about it. Determine whether the movie has good and high ratings based on moviegoer reviews or critics' comments.

It's really critical that you check out first the credibility of the online store because you cannot really test the products before you buy them. Do your own online research to know if the company is really a provider of quality products and service. Determine and address safety concerns when it comes to the mode of payment, shipping costs, as well as the whole shipping process. You can also compare the prices of the products offered by different video stores on the web. To enjoy your DVD online shopping, always ensure that you have safe payment mode, affordable and quality deals, and a reputable online store to deal with.

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00.50 | 0 komentar

Looking After Your Pearly White Teeth

By Gary Sherman

Bad breath results from different causes; determining what caused yours can assist you to find some cure that might be successful for you.Bear in mind that whitening teeth is a process that is continuous simply because the effects of teeth whitening products is short lived- to maintain the result for an extended time, avoid those things that you know will make your teeth yellowing like coffee, sweets, smoking e.t.c. There are particular home made remedies which are effective in whitening the teeth; an example is the use of bicarbonate soda.... A consistent use of this soda on the teeth can help improve its color and give you the smile that you want.

A good dental hygiene routine is a surest technique to maintain a set of healthy teeth..... Poor dental care has given birth to complications like dental cavities, gingivitis bleeding gums and foul breath.Before you can embark on a teeth bleaching procedure, you should establish the health condition of your teeth first; ensure that your gums, teeth, and general well being is ideal in order to avoid a painful teeth whitening experience.Ensuring an excellent dental health practice is the best method to keep your pearly whites clean and healthy...

Having a good dental plan in place is one way to ensure the perfect health of our plans are of different type of also effect payment for different dental procedures.... You can search for a dental plan that suites your needs.

Not cleaning your teeth regularly can be a onset for the bad breath to start sneaking in or for cavities to begin showing up.... Essentially, a daily routine of brushing correctly can take care of lots of of dental problems.

It may probably surprise anyone to realize that a lot of people actually dread visiting the dentist because they have various myths as to what may happen to them... discover how healthy your teeth are in your dentist office. Watching what you eat will help you maintain a good dental health; calcium and vitamin stuffed diet are ideal for the build up and preservation of tough healthy teeth. If you're a toothache sufferer, you should be careful to avoid mostthings that will further worsen the situation this includes eating hot food or drinking cold liquids.

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00.50 | 0 komentar

5 Reasons why You Should Give up Smoking, Now!

By Kevin Keith

If you're reading this article it suggests that you have just thought about finishing smoking. The first step in quitting a habit or in changing your life is to take a firm determination or a promise to yourself you're intending to do something. But so as to take this most important step you have to be convinced it's the honest thing to do. If you want some more reasons explaining why it is time to handle your smoking habit, here are five things to consider:

1. You can live longer if you quit smoking now

According to a study in the UK Medical Journal, giving up smoking now could add 7-10 years to your life. No one can ensure that she or he will be alive tomorrow. Anything can occur, due to circumstances beyond our control. Despite this, we should do whatever we can that's inside our control to live a long and happy life. You can not forestall yourself from being wounded in a quake, but you can prevent yourself from dying due to a smoking related illness.

2. Smoking isn't cool

Many people begin smoking due to peer pressure or for other social reasons. At a previous time it was trendy or "cool" to smoke, but that is not so. With study after study confirming the harmful consequences of smoking, the tide has turned. It is beginning to become quite tough to smoke in public areas and smoking is viewed as a bother by the society at large. If you started smoking to be "in", take a look around and you will see the things have changed. Keep up with these changes and stop smoking now.

3. Set a good example for your kids or folks who look down to you

If you know that becoming a smoker was a mistake , then you should make sure that your kids or chums who look up to you don't follow in your footsteps. The right way to show others is by example. If your children or family see that ma and pa or their bigger brother and bigger sister don't smoke, then they will be less sure to start smoking. Therefore think about the example you are setting, and do whatever you can to change your style.

4. Enhance your sports performance

If you like to play sports then you actually know that endurance is highly important. Smoking meddles with your breathing and your body's capacity to absorb oxygen. If you want to enhance your sporting performance and raise your endurance, then it's time to put down your cigarettes.

5. Don't pass on smoke and harm others around you

Even if you're the only one who smokes in your place, your smoke is harmful to your non-smoking loved ones. Used smoke has been proved to be the root of disease in non-smokers and that is the actual reason why smoking is now being banned in public. While the new non-smoking laws will help to protect the public at large, you can defend your nearest family and friends by making a private decision to quit smoking

There are lots more reasons to stop smoking, but just think about these 5 reasons and make a decision that you are about to do whatever is required to quit smoking. It could be a decision that may help you to live a long, healthy and ecstatic life.

Visit our site to learn more about electronic cigarettes.

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00.50 | 0 komentar

Marriage Counseling Hints Can Put Your Relationship Back On Track

By Lopiuta Youara

The pressures of modern life have unfortunately played havoc with relationships. Many couples find themselves under tremendous pressure and struggle to cope with the demands of a career, society and a family. It is no wonder that so many marriages end up in divorce. Many, however, can be helped with some basic marriage counseling hints.

Many relationships flounder because the partners forget about the very special things that made the relationship so worthwhile and rewarding in the first place. By simply recalling these things it may be possible to recreate that first magic, and to see a partner again as he or she was seen in the first instance.

Every single person deserve to be seen as an individual that can be hurt, that has ambitions, fears and desires. Every person deserves respect and consideration. The very foundation of civilization is based upon respect for each other. If this aspect is present in a relationship, there can be no desire to do each other harm in any way.

It is impossible to maintain a healthy relationship without total honesty. Many couple experience problems because they are not open with each other. There are many different levels of dishonesty, ranging from infidelity to omitting to share important information with a partner. Healthy relationships know no secrets. It may help to be more open.

It is imperative that partners be able to trust one another. All relationships depend upon the ability of two partners to support each other regardless of the circumstances. People need to know that their partners are there for them at any given time and that they can be trusted. To trust is one of the most basic signs of deep love.

No man is an island, it is said. It is astonishing to see that people are willing, eager even, to invest an enormous amount of time and energy in many aspects of their lives, yet they pay scant attention to the needs of their partners. Successful relationships require much work and many couple in trouble may just benefit from honest marriage counseling hints.

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00.49 | 0 komentar

Find out how cake designing can be so much fun.

By Donah Sutherland

Cake developing isn't only enjoyable, but it's an actual skill once you discover what you're undertaking. Amongst wedding cakes, wedding anniversary cakes and bday cakes, it's a sweet that's the main objective for most events.

By utilizing Cake Creating Wonder, you'll be able to bid farewell to the specialised designer. Cake planning recommendations can come from numerous avenues, primarily from other sweet designers. Then more often than not, your creativeness will be jump started.

Cake creating for children's birthday bash cakes are distinctly challenging. It is because kids like to have lots of things, which fits how they want their cakes to look . But this shouldn't be any problem as there is something which most kids really like.

A great method to choose a style is usually to know their preferred good guy or toon figures. Pictures and figures of these figures will definitely hit home for the children. Just one single excellent illustration could be the motion picture "Cars" which plenty of youngsters enjoy and savor.

This idea is pleasurable and straightforward to accomplish because of the fact that producing a car-shape treat may be easy which is fantastic for young children. If you're a new you might like to choose beginner cake creating e-books which can guide you to get hold of a sense of what cake developing is all about. You'll consequently be capable of figuring out if this sounds something you would like to record much more and find out considerably more

. You'll have to exercise frequently which may be serious fun. You may want to create several cakes then begin to practice your creating. It might be a reality that nobody within your house will probably be dissatisfied that you've totally free cakes in your house and you'll use your friends and family as experts to let you know how your desserts appear and taste.

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00.42 | 0 komentar

Sejarah Ditemukannya Simbol "+" "-" Pria & Wanita

Written By Admin on Minggu, 29 Januari 2012 | 16.13

PERNAHKAH kamu mengamati logo atau lambang seperti di samping ini ? Nah kamu mungkin sudah tahu, itu adalah lambang untuk menyatakan jenis kelamin lelaki dan wanita. Mengapa simbolnya seperti itu? Apa arti yang terkandung pada simbol itu? Bagaimana sejarahnya?

Cukup menakjubkan bahwa keberadaan simbol itu sudah cukup lama. Didalam dunia Ilmu pengetahuan saja, lambang ini untuk pertamakalinya dipakai pada tahun 1753 oleh Pengarang buku Species Plantarum. Sebelumnya simbol-simbol yang menyatakan laki dan perempuan ini ditemukan pada peninggalan-peninggalan kuno pada jaman prasejarah.

Sebelum ada tulisan, bangsa-bangsa prasejarah menggunakan gambar dan simbol untuk “berkomunikasi”. Para ahli mencoba untuk mencari hubungan mengapa simbol tersebut yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan laki dan perempuan.

Ada yang berpendapat tanda lingkaran dan panah menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki saat itu memang dikenal sebagai pemburu yang bersenjatakan tombak, sementara simbol lingkaran dengan tanda silang dibawahnya, sebagai penggambaran perempuan, menunjukkan bahwa wanita memiliki kecenderungan bercermin (lambang itu dianalogikan sebagai cermin bergagang).

Namun ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa simbol-simbol itu telah mengalamai perubahan sejak lama, yang diturunkan dari bentuk fisik manusia laki-laki dan perempuan.

simbol ini juga digunakan sebagai simbol planet di tata surya kita, yaitu untuk Mars dan Venus (yang selanjutnya juga dikenal : Mars sebagai gambaran laki-laki, dan Venus untuk Perempuan).
16.13 | 0 komentar

Siap-Siap!!,Sebentar Lagi TV Analog Tidak Dapat Digunakan

Sesuai ketentuan yang ditetapkan International Telecommunication Union (ITU) yaitu sebuah lembaga Internasional yang mempunyai otoritas atas telekomunikasi seluruh dunia menyebutkan bahwa siaran televisi analog akan segera tidak diberlakukan lagi.

ITU memberikan deadline paling lambat 17 Juni 2015 kepada seluruh dunia untuk harus melakukan penyiaran secara digital. Alhasil, TV analog seperti yang kita tonton sehari-hari tidak akan bisa menerima siaran lagi. Dan mau tidak mau, masyarakat pun harus berganti ke TV digital.

Berikut penjelasan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi (Menkominfo), Tifatul Sembiring, tentang migrasi ke TV digital melalui akun twitternya, @tifsembiring:
  1. Keputusan ITU, 17 juni 2015 seluruh. TV analog harus migrasi ke digital. Jadi pabrik-pabrik TV akan produksi TV digital. Gambar bersih dan suara bening.
  2. Sesuai UU 32 Tahun 2002, TV digital menjamin diversity of ownership, diversity of content dan ssj (sistem stasiun jaringan). Tidak ada monopoli.
  3. Trend teknologi tidak bisa dilawan, TV analog: tabung, transistor, IC terus ke digital, LCD dst. Seperti telco: 2G, 3G, LTE, 4G dst
  4. Akan dipisah penyelenggara multiplexer (mux) dengan penyelenggara siaran. Tadinya 33 zona, sekarang 15 zona. 1 zona ada 6 mux, 1mux=12 chanel
  5. Jadi dalam 1 zona akan tersedia 72 channel TV digital. Tidak ada lagi monopoli siaran. Peluang dibuka se-luas-luasnya.
  6. Waktu migrasi dari TV analog ke digital diberikan sampai switch off 2018. Dalam masa transisi, konsumen yang punya TV analog perlu set top box.
  7. Set top box, semacam decoder dari pemancar digital ke penerima analog. Anak-anak SMK bilang harganya bisa Rp 85.000/unit. Di glodok Rp 135.000.
  8. Decoder wajib konten lokal, sedang dihitung peluang bantuan decoder kepada orang-orang miskin perlu dana kurang lebih Rp. 300 milyar.
  9. Negara-negara di Eropa sudah banyak yang migrasi, jepang pakai dual system. Membangun negeri, Indonesia tidak boleh ketinggalan.
  10. Tv digital menggunakan frekwensi sangat efisien. Dengan cara ini tidak ada lagi yang menguasai 2 frekwensi di satu zona.
Jadi pada intinya, untuk dapat menerima siaran digital harus menggunakan pesawat TV digital. Tetapi, jika ingin tetap menggunakan pesawat TV analog, pengguna harus menambahkan beberapa alat tambahan yang disebut Set Top Box (alat konverter-sejenis dekoder). Dengan alat konverter ini, sinyal siaran digital akan diubah menjadi sinyal analog. Sehingga pengguna akan tetap bisa menikmati siaran televisi menggunakan televisi analog.
14.30 | 0 komentar

Inilah Raja dan Ratu Alat Kelamin Terbesar di Dunia

Ukuran kelamin baik pada pria maupun wanita selalu menjadi topik yang sering diperbincangkan. Sepanjang sejarah, ada seorang pria dan wanita yang dianggap sebagai raja dan ratu karena memiliki alat kelamin terbesar di dunia. Siapa mereka?

Meski panjang penis tidak terlalu mempengaruhi kenikmatan seksual, tapi beberapa orang masih beranggapan bahwa dirinya hebat jika memiliki penis panjang.

Peringkat resmi dari penis terpanjang di dunia adalah milik seorang pria yang diukur dan didokumentasikan oleh Dr Robert Dickinson, pada awal abad ke-20 adalah dengan rekorpanjang ereksi 13,5 inci (34 cm) dan keliling 6,25 inci (16 cm).

Tapi pemilik penis terbesar di dunia yang masih hidup, rajanya adalah Jonah Falcon yang lahir 29 Juli 1970. Di tahun 2006 dia dinobatkan sebagai pemilik penis terpanjang dengan ukuran panjang ereksi 13 inci (33 cm) dan lebar 5 inci (12,7 cm), seperti dilansir Huffingtonpost, Kamis (26/1/2012).

Sebuah survei pernah dilakukan Andrologi Andromedical yang menyurvei rata-rata panjang penis di seluruh negara dunia. Penelitian yang dipimpin Dr Eduardo Gomez de Diego mendapatkan rata-rata panjang penis pria (saat ereksi) di dunia sekitar 14 cm (5,5 inci)

Sedangkan untuk ratunya, Anna Swan (1846-1888) dilaporkan sebagai pemilik vagina terdalam yang pernah tercatat dalam sejarah, yaitu sepanjang 37,5 cm. Hal ini tidak begitu mengherankan karena tinggi wanita ini lebih dari 2 meter, sehingga organ-organ tubuhnya pun berukuran besar.

Wanita Skotlandia ini sebenarnya terlahir dengan ukuran tubuh normal, namun ia tumbuh dengan cepat pada masa kanak-kanak, hingga akhirnya mencapai tinggi 233 cm pada usia 19 tahun. Pada tanggal 18 Juni 1879, Anna pun melahirkan bayi terbesar dalam sejarah, dengan berat 11,8 kg dan panjang 86 cm.

Vagina adalah bagian yang menghubungkan organ seks wanita eksternal (vulva) dengan serviks dan uterus (rahim). Vagina biasanya juga disebut jalan lahir, karena merupakan jalur janin keluar dari tubuh saat wanita melahirkan.

Dilansir Womenhealth, ketika tidak sedang terangsang secara seksual, rata-rata wanita memiliki vagina dengan kedalaman 3 sampai 4 inci (7-10 cm). Dan ketika mengalami rangsangan seksual, aliran darah akan menyebabkan leher rahim (serviks) dan rahim naik, sehingga saluran vagina mengalami peregangan sekitar 5-7 inci (12-17 cm).
11.00 | 0 komentar

How To Get Healthier Teeth Without Breaking The Bank

By John Harrison

One things for sure about dental care, it can be really expensive! It's an unfortunate fact for something that is such a vital part of our health, and it means that in tough economic times dental care can be put off when it really should be given priority. In the long run, this can lead to even more expensive dentist bills so its not a wise thing to put off much needed dental care.

One of the best things that you can do to make sure that you're not going to be faced with expensive dental complications, is to invest in a good quality electric toothbrush. The problem is that this isn't a cheap option either, a top of the line model such as the oral b triumph 4000 can cost well over $100. If you're on a budget, then a cheap electric toothbrush is the only way to go. But are they any good?

One of the best electric toothbrushes around also happens to be one of the cheapest. The Oral B Professional Care 1000 is available online for under $50, so even if you're on a tight budget it isn't going to break the bank. As well as being cheap, it also happens to be a very capable toothbrush. The reason that the Professional Care 1000 is so cheap, is not becuase of it's cleaning technology (there are no compromises there), but rather becuase of the simplicity of the device. Instead of the usual plethora of cleaning modes, the 1000 has just one.

The reason that the Professional Care 1000 is still such a good performer, is that it includes Oral B's 3D cleaning technology. This is the exact same cleaning technology that is built into the best and most expensive electric toothbrushes on the market, so even though you're spending a lot less money, you're getting access to the best tooth brushing that money can buy!

The reason that this 3D cleaning technology is so effective, is that it causes the toothbrush to rotate as well as oscillate. Whilst all electric toothbrushes oscillate, only Oral B brushes combine this with a rotating movement too.Recent clinical studies have concluded that, as a result, they remove 10% more plaque bacteria than a non-rotating brush. Ultimately, less bacteria means less chance of dental problems, and less chance that those dental care costs are going to get out of hand.

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00.53 | 0 komentar

Is it Alright for My Puppy to Sleep in My Bed?

By Dirk Gruenberg

You just brought a new puppy into your home, and you love to spend every single second with your new family member. After all, puppies are cute, sweet, and innocent. Life doesn't get much better than bringing home an adorable pup.

You have a lot of work ahead of you as far as training, and some decisions to make as far as what you want your pup to eat, as well as where your pup should sleep.

Some people feel that having their dogs sleep in their bed makes them bond with their dog even more. Yet, others feel that this is inappropriate.

In the end, there is no right or wrong answer; it is simply up to your personal preference. However, you should be aware that letting your dog sleep in your bed may result in him wanting to sleep their forever.

Of course, it almost seems like an honor to have your puppy want to sleep next to you. And you might think, what's the harm, he is so tiny anyway. So you get into bed next to this tiny, tiny curled up puppy.

However, as our puppy relaxes during his sleep, he stretches out. And the more relaxed he is, the larger he seems to get. And, low and behold, when you wake up in the morning, he is stretched all the way across the bed.

Of course, this might seem like somewhat of an exaggeration. However, dogs are clever, and, yes, they do curl up and look tiny. But make no mistake, they will stretch out once they start relaxing.

Of course, the more they stretch out, the more space they will take up. And unless you want the puppy stretched out all over you, you will have to retreat to what little is left of the bed. So only invite him in, if you are alright with that.

If you are somebody who sleeps lightly, or needs room to move around, keeping your dog out of your bed is the best answer to this question.

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00.52 | 0 komentar

Installing Tile On Your Kitchen area Floor By Yourself

By Shelli Visser

Residence owners all over the world would like to complete home improvement projects but do not know where to start. Most people don't feel comfortable that they can do these little projects but at the same time, they don't want to pay someone to do it. One job that should be simple for anyone to accomplish is to tile the kitchen floor.

Even though you could worry about botching things, tiling is not very difficult to do. You should be able to save a lot of money by doing this yourself. This will be a simple decision, as long as you understand the do's and don'ts. As soon as you attempt to do the job, you are going to need to pick out the tile you want. You may even be shocked at just how many choices are out there for you. You'll find that there will be many different types of tiles based on colors, sizes, textures, finishes in addition to materials. There are some tiles that feature odd shapes or sizes which forces you to stay with one company.

Whenever you choose a tile, it's always based on your own personal aesthetics. Keep in mind that once you commit to a tile, it will be tough for you change later. Before you can get too far, you must calculate the area to be tiled, figuring out the best way to run the tile, and how it will work out for waste. Sometimes a different size tile will have more or less waste, for example, depending on the dimensions, 6 x 6 inch tile might work out better than 4 x 4 tiles. Ideally you should make sure that you do this correctly so that you won't waste money. As you are in all probability going around kitchen cabinets, you will need to diagram your floor to scale to know exactly how many tiles you will need. It is best to move the freezer or fridge out and tile that spot, rather than leaving it because most of it is never seen.

By doing a bit of basic math, you can easily find out how you can lay out your floor and know where to start. It's essential to be accurate from the very start or you are going to end up going crooked and having a bad looking floor. It is recommended that you draw two perpendicular lines that are parallel to the wall surfaces to prevent going crooked. You have to end up with a point in the center so your cut pieces on the outside walls will have the same measurement. You do not want to just start with a whole tile against one wall and then head in the other direction, or the piece on the other side won't match, more than likely. The moment things are setup, it will be possible to begin tiling.

The adhesive that is called for is going to be determined by the type of floor you have, whether it be concrete or wooden sub floor. If you are placing tile over wood, a flexible mastic is best. Once the tiles are placed and the adhesive has dried, then you can apply the grout, remove the excess and let it dry and now you have a new floor.

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00.46 | 0 komentar

Newfoundland wedding photography for great pictures of perfectday

By Jeni Kiesel

Newfoundland wedding photography as the name suggests are specialized in the wedding photography. They offer you one of the most remarkable wedding photographs in the era. They supply most expense successful pricing of the studio that is definitely integrated with variable packages. Each and every package will cover the price of hour photography in any place or a studio, the digital negative, endless copyright, retouching from the photographs, limitation per session to 1 individual, proofs of 4x6 prints, an enchanting enlargement and quite a few much more.

The Newfoundland wedding photography has numerous years of experience supplying amazing photographs. They are able to capture the emotionally candid moments in most desirable manner. They are incorporated with most creative photographers who can genuinely supply most incredible wedding photographs.

Exploring Newfoundland wedding photography

Newfoundland wedding photography features a wonderful eye to capture the details in photography. They avail an ultimate care that their clients are best taken care of. Their blends in photography are exceptional to provide the most candid shots which can be exceptionally gorgeous. Their booking services are very quick it really is basically initial come initial serve basis. They inquire in regards to the certain dates when the photography would be to be constituted. Their services specially for the wedding photography are secured with detailed needs.

Their coverage style perfectly suits the need of the clients. Their pictures are truly adorable and as couples look via the pictures they feel that they are watching a flawless love story. Newfoundland wedding photography will capture each memorable moment of the wedding from getting efficiently ready to the grand ceremony of wedding, the photo shoots and the reception. Their pictures are lovely and can be treasured for lifetime by the adorable couples.

Newfoundland wedding photography is simply incomparable

Newfoundland wedding photography definitely knows that weddings are integrated with an everlasting promise and they're created within the heaven. Besides, a wedding ceremony can be a memory that is certainly cherished forever. They properly are conscious that the couples will require a photo album that is certainly enriched using the moments that were valuable. It should be an emotionally filled album with immeasurable smiles and happiness's. The photographs really should efficaciously signify a like bond that is certainly inseparable and unbreakable. The wedding photography of Newfoundland is exceptional in handling the photography with memories which can be photogenic.

These enigmatic photographers make certain that all of the wants in the photography are purely met and they see that all the people today inside the ceremony are covered and every honorable guest in the ceremony is given an important significance. Their credentials and their perform are basically irresistible. Their photography is incorporated with an ultimate eminence and versatility. They're meticulous to provide the high quality photographs. A expert photographer can undoubtedly highly assist his or her clientele solve their challenge in most effective manner.

From contemporary shots of wedding for the newest image to encompass all of the important elements these innovative photographers can cover all of the significant moments. They capture the moments which are photojournalistic using the emotions which might be unmatched day round. With all these unbeatable capabilities Newfoundland wedding photography is right photography for the best wedding ceremony.

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00.43 | 0 komentar

Definitive Guide In Using: Hcg Drops

By Jessica Smithson

Using hcg drops as your weight loss solution can be among the wisest decision you can ever come across. Listed herewith are few of the many reasons why should you really settle with this product. First and foremost, this product is very effective that you never would aim to use another product. As a matter of fact, as you use it you can expect a significant difference on body size and even with your very own health. There is no need for you to wait any longer for it can let you feel its effect in the fastest way. It can even assure you to lose one pound each day.

Now, by using hcg drops you can really expect to lose one pound each day which means that you can lose 21 pounds within 21 days. You never even have to spend a lot as you purchase it because it is affordable and reasonable. More importantly, you can expect it to give you other more health benefits which is very crucial in any supplements. It can be the best tool that you can use in preventing other chronic diseases to inflict on you. For instance, you never have to feel and suffer from heart attack as you use these drops.

Furthermore, hcg drops is more than that. It can even be used as a supplement for your skin's health. This truly is hitting two birds with just one stone. You can see the difference in your skin's health as you use this wonder product. You can be free from acne and wrinkles as you use this product. You can get that radiance in your face with just purchase this. You can also expect a smoother skin for that matter. Right after these great benefits had taken its toil on you, you can face any one else in this world because you know that you do not only have slimmer body but a beautiful face as well.

Hcg drops is also best in giving you a better immune system. You can keep all of those possible sickness be away from you. You can also do your usual activity without worrying if you still have energy because you know that you have in take a supplement that will keep you strong and healthy. At any given chance, you need to be sure that you keep your health at the top of your priority.

To sum it all, hcg drops is way better from any weight loss solutions both in local market and online stores. There is no reason for you to try another product when you simply can get the best from simply choosing this product.

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00.34 | 0 komentar

20 Alasan Kenapa Orang Indonesia harus Bangga Menjadi Orang Indonesia

Written By Admin on Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012 | 17.30

Anda tidak bangga dengan Indonesia ,Jangan Dong ? Anda sering dukung Sepakbola Negara lain dan Memakai Brand Brand luar negri yang malah menguntungkan mereka.Mungkin Anda tidak bangga dengan Indonesia , saya sarankan liat dulu 20 Alasan Mengapa menjadi Orang Indonesia itu enak , Check it out :
  1. Cuma di indonesia seseorang bisa punya KTP lebih dari 1
  2. Cuma di indonesia seseorang bisa punya SIM tanpa test
  3. BAHKAN... Cuma di indonesia seseorang bisa NYETIR TANPA punya SIM
  4. Cuma di indonesia anak SD bisa beli rokok.
  5. Cuma di indonesia jumlah Blackberry Black Market yang beredar lebih banyak dari blackberry yang legal
  6. Cuma di Indonesia Duta Anti Narkoba ketangkep pake SHABU
  7. Cuma di Indonesia PEMERINTAH-NYA MURAH HATI. Bagi bagi pulau,lagu daerah sampe tarian daerah GRATIIIIIISSSSS !!!!
  8. Cuma di Indonesia segala urusan bisa kelar dengan hanya menggunakan UANG
  9. Cuma di Indonesia kita bisa BUANG SAMPAH dimana mana tanpa denda
  10. Cuma di Indonesia kita bisa naik angkutan umum tanpa harus nunggu di halte, dimana aja bisa (asal ga ada polisi )
  11. Cuma di Indonesia makanan makanan bekas dan KADALUWARSA bisa di sulap menjadi makanan siap jual lagi
  12. Cuma di Indonesia kita bisa OFF ROAD di jalan raya. (jalanannya ga ada yg beres gannnn )
  13. Cuma di Indonesia pesawat ga di apa apain bisa jatoh.
  14. Cuma di Indonesia, jembatan baru bangeeet jadi, mur bautnya sudah pada ilang buat di loakin lagi. (ckckck)
  15. Cuma di Indonesia, JALAN RAYA bisa jadi kolam renang
  16. Cuma di Indonesia, orang bisa nyebrang di jalan tol
  17. Cuma di Indonesia kita bisa LESEHAN di atas kereta api yang sedang melaju cepat
  18. Cuma di Indonesia orang ga lulus kuliah bisa jadi PRESIDEN. ORang ga bisa liat aja bisa jadi PRESIDEN. Hebat ga tuh !
  19. Cuma di Indonesia kita bisa menonton DVD dengan kualitas bagus hanya dengan membayar kurang lebih Rp. 7000!
  20. Cuma di Indonesia ABG bisa menibulkan kontroversi hebat. Diperkosa pangeran, dinikahi sama pangeran, abis itu di siksa sama pangeran, terus pulang dan memberitahukan ke seluruh dunia tentang penderitaannya. Oh iya. dan juga dapet jobsinetron bernilai miliyaran rupiah sebelum kasusnya selesai !
Sumber :
17.30 | 0 komentar

Beginilah Desain Kalender DPR Seharga 1,3 Miliyar (Pic)

Kira-kira, kayak gini kale ya layout kalendernya DPR yg 1,3 M tu? Kerenkan? Tapi, ini edisi khusus rakyat...
Buat ngingetin agar mereka jgn terlalu berharap pada wakilnya, Karena sang wakil... KAGAK BISA DIHARAP!!!
Kalo ini gan, toilet DPR yg katanya biaya renovasinya sampe 2 M. Pantesan aja mahal gan, wong toilet emas coy!!he he... Dan yg kagak nahan, tissue toiletnya itu loh.. pake recehan dolar loh..Guileeeee... kira²  kalo ee', yg keluar berlian kale yee?...wkwkwkwkwkkkkkkk

Sebelumnya, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) lagi-lagi jadi sorotan. Setelah renovasi ruang Badan Anggaran (Banggar) senilai Rp20 miliar, kini disorot proyek pembuatan kalender tahun 2012 bikin heboh. Anggaran yang dialokasikan untuk pengadaan kalender ini mencapai Rp1,3 miliar. Kalender itu dicetak untuk 560 anggota dewan.

Menurut Kordinator Investigasi dan Advokasi FITRA Uchok sky Khadafi, satu anggota dewan kebagian jatah 20 eksemplar kalender. "Kalau melihat dari bentuk kalender dengan foto-foto yang full colour dan jumlah halaman 13 lembar, perkiraan harga Rp15 ribu perlembar," kata Ucok dalam keterangannya, Selasa (17/1/2012).

Dengan taksiran harga pasaran seperti itu, maka hanya dibutuhkan Rp168 juta. Tetapi dengan alokasi Rp1,3 miliar, harga satuan kalender menjadi Rp116ribu. "Pembelian kalender ini betul-betul kemahalan. Harga kalender ini memperlihatkan kepada publik bahwa DPR sedang meledek publik dan menyakiti hati rakyat," kritik Ucok.

Bukan hanya kalender, DPR juga mengadakan proyek pembelian mesin foto copy yang nilainya Rp8,86 miliar. Pembukaan lelang mesin foto copy ini dilakukan bulan Oktober 2011. Bila harga satuan mesin foto copy terbaru Rp30 juta, maka dengan anggaran Rp8,8 miliar memperoleh 295 mesin.

"Pengadaannya biasanya sebulan setelah pembukaan lelang penentuan pemenang tender. Tapi kita tidak tahu rinciannya apakah benar anggaran itu habis untuk mesin foto copy karena Kesekjenan DPR tidak pernah transparan," kata peneliti Indonesia Budget Center (IBC) Roy Salam.

Pada akhir tahun lalu, DPR juga melakukan tender pekerjaan kontrak perbaikan komplek rumah jabatan anggota DPR RI kalibata senilai Rp36,6 miliar. Senasib dengan proyek lainnya, hingga kini Kesekjenan kata Roy tidak mempublikasikan rincian perbaikan hunian anggota dewan tersebut.

"Ketidaktransparanan ini sangat lekat dengan indikasi permainan proyek dan korupsi di Kesekjenan," kritik Roy. 
17.00 | 0 komentar

Waw..Wanita Ini Mengaku Sudah Tidur dengan 1.000 Pria

London - Melihat seorang pria muda dalam perjalanan menuju tempat kerjanya, Crystal Warren senyum-senyum sendiri. Sehari sebelumnya, dia dan pemuda itu menyelinap di salah satu bagian toko untuk berhubungan intim.

Dua jam kemudian, dia menggoda pria yang belum pernah dikenalnya. Hubungan singkat itu juga berakhir di ranjang dengan sang pria di sisinya.

Jika Anda menyangka Crystal seorang pekerja seks komersial, Anda salah. Wanita berusia 42 tahun ini, seperti dilansir The Mirror, adalah seorang manajer di sebuah toko ritel di Inggris. "Orang biasanya tak mengasosiasikan kecanduan seks pada wanita," katanya. "Tapi beda denganku. Aku memikirkannya hampir sepanjang waktu."

Crystal, yang tinggal di Brighton, lahir dari keluarga berantakan. Orang tuanya berpisah ketika dia berusia lima tahun dan dia mulai kecanduan seks begitu menginjak remaja. "Aku sangat senang jika ada pemuda yang sangat menginginkanku," ujarnya.

Tiap pekan, ia ganti pasangan. Hingga usianya mencapai 17 tahun, ia sudah tidur dengan 40 pemuda. Sejak itu, ia rutin  pergi ke pub lokal dan ke tempat di mana dia punya banyak kesempatan untuk menemukan pemuas bagi kecanduan seksnya. Hingga usianya kini, ia mengaku telah tidur dengan lebih dari 1.000 pria.

Sama seperti kecanduan narkoba, ia mengaku akan merasa frustrasi dan uring-uringan jika tak mendapatkan yang diinginkannya. Di sela jam istirahat di kantor, ia akan pergi sejenak untuk memenuhi "dahaganya".

"Aku tahu aku adalah seorang pecandu seks, tapi aku belum berhasil mendapatkan bantuan profesional," katanya. "Seks adalah hal yang membuat aku merasa baik tentang diri sendiri."
14.06 | 0 komentar

Perempuan Misterius Pembela Hak Pejalan Kaki di Semanggi (Video)

Peristiwa tertabraknya 9 pejalan kaki di Jalan Ridwan Rais, Jakarta Pusat, pada Minggu (22/1) lalu oleh Afriyani Susanti mengingatkan betapa hak pejalan kaki seringkali dizalimi. Alhasil, kemunculan perempuan misterius pembela hak pejalan kaki mendapat acungan jempol.

Perempuan misterius itu terlihat di sebuah video di Youtube yang diposting oleh Shantonio Siagian, pemilik akun 'wierki14' pada 3 September 2009. Video itu berjudul 'Pembela Hak Pejalan Kaki'. Sudah lama memang, tapi video itu menjadi perbincangan seiring dengan insiden Minggu Kelabu yang menewaskan 9 pedestrian.

Video berdurasi 2 menit 38 detik ini tampak diambil di bawah Jembatan Semanggi, jalan yang diperuntukkan untuk pemotor. Dalam video ini terlihat perempuan berjilbab yang berjalan di trotoar. Mirisnya, trotoar tempat perempuan itu berjalan diambil haknya oleh para pemotor.
Dengan hati-hati perempuan itu berjalan melawan arah di trotoar yang dipenuhi pemotor yang melaju ke arah sebaliknya. Tak cuma berjalan, perempuan itu tampak berbicara kepada para pemotor, lalu beberapa saat para pemotor menurunkan motornya melewati trotoar. Terus menerus perempuan itu melawan arus, sendirian, tampak menasihati pemotor yang tak tahu diri menaiki trotoar, mengambil jalan pintas.

"Tadi sore, kira-kira pukul lima sore, saya berhenti sejenak di bawah Jembatan Semanggi, karena macet luar biasa. Sembari menunggu lalu lintas berkurang, saya melihat-lihat keadaan. Jalanan yang padat membuat banyak pengendara motor yang mengambil jalan pintas, naik ke trotoar. Hal ini rupanya membuat berang seorang ibu muda, yang dengan gagahnya melabrak para pengendara motor yang naik ke trotoar. Semuanya dipaksa turun olehnya," demikian komentar sang pengunggah video dalam laman miliknya.

Pakar tata kota Marco Kusumawijaya dalam akun twitternya @mkusumawijaya pun berbagi situs video ini dan berkata, "Tolong donk, bantu cari nama dan nomor kontak Ibu sakti ini: pembela hak pejalan kaki".

Hingga pukul 12.25 WIB, video itu sudah ditonton 4.521 kali dan disukai (like) 167 orang dan 63 komentar. Rata-rata mereka salut terhadap keberanian perempuan itu. "Salut! Keren! Mantap!" begitu pujian yang tertulis.

Nah, siapakah perempuan misterius pemberani pembela hak pejalan kaki itu?
11.10 | 0 komentar

Change The Look Of Your Dwelling By Just Organizing It

By Ebiko Tsumina

Lots of people feel they need a new look to their home, so they contemplate remodeling.

Organizing your house the right way is sometimes all that is needed to supply it with a makeover. It is usually amazing to realize what an incredible difference it makes to clean and organize your home, moving everything in its proper place. The more organized your house, the less stressed you will likely become. There'll be more enjoyment, and less stress in your family simply because efficiency in the home increases.

If you're able to manage your life more efficiently because of the organization of your home, it allows for a smoother and easier life. Your friends and relations will be ready to savor life at its best. When you find yourself creating your plan, here are a few things to think about.

Are you constantly looking for car keys, do you keep tripping over shoes, is your desk always a cluttered mess, then it is time to do something different? Going along with the concern is at times the best solution.

Shoes needn't be unattractive when they're chucked around everywhere, and a solution is to have a main storage area in the front hall that organizes your shoes nicely.

If you find a straightforward solution for your children available, they'll often take the opportunity to utilize it.

It's really a win-win scenario for everybody involved. So long as you work with the habits of your children, you will see much better results. Creating a routine and habit for your children may take a short while, but once they have it down they will know it for the rest of their lives.

Set a hook or container near the front door for putting your keys, and you'll never misplace them again. Individual options are the most effective solutions and an alternative is to place a tray on your dresser. After you grab your mail, go through it right then, and do away with the junk mail immediately.

Breaking up more substantial tasks into smaller ones is a thing that is helpful. Making certain there is storage space and shelf space in every room is essential. It usually is both fashionable and efficient to accomplish this.

Things that cause clutter like sauce packets and spices can be put into handy storage containers that are marked for future use. Anything out-of-place in the bathroom can be put into stylish baskets.

In your den, you can have baskets and trunks for kids gadgets, movies, and books. This is a wonderful adventure for you and your family to organize your home together.

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00.55 | 0 komentar

Suggestions For A Profitable Internet Search Engine Optimization Arrange

By Ramon Collins

There are actually so many websites these days, you could feel lost within the masses. When you follow the tips from this post, you will be ahead of your competition in terms of being noticed by possible site visitors. There's no point having fantastic content if no individual sees it. At this site are a few helpful methods to drive new visitors to your site.

Interpersonal media sites are a helpful device in internet search engine optimization. YouTube is fantastic for videos, when Facebook and Twitter will allow direct interaction.

Locate a particular market and make yourself a guru. This is a great way to get a lot more buyers out of your online marketing campaign. Create a niche site that targets clientele thinking about your specialty, then use Search engine optimization top procedures to lead them to it. Continually pay attention to the buyers wants, make it about them and not you.

There are lots of solutions to optimize your search engine outcomes. Tweaking the search functions of your site returns a lot quicker, far more appropriate benefits. Increased efficiency means happier customers. Pay a visit to blogs that are relevant to your solutions, and be sure to generate comments, as these blogs will then link back to you. Most blog owners allow you to contain a link in the event you reciprocate and leave appropriate and substantial comments. If you link your site to irrelevant subjects or leave useless comments, you will likely have this privilege revoked. Leaving comments about the piece should not be a situation as long while you are very well informed on the subject.

It is crucial when dealing with Search engine optimization to vacation informed of your standings in the search engines. Your SEO needs to be monitored so you can see how you're doing. You possibly can use possibly Alexa or Google toolbar to figure out your ranking.

You need to use a website that is different and original. By following the tips listed below, your site will gain recognition and raise hits. Your weekly schedule just have to possess a slot for implementing these kind of strategies.

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00.52 | 0 komentar

E-Cigarettes, Some facts

By Shibalik Sanyal

Electronic cigarettes are those cigarettes which feel like a real one but do not emit smoke. Compared to the other types of cigarettes or rather the conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes do not cause any injury to the consumer's health. They are in most cases adopted as a means of helping the consumer's to quit smoking the injurious cigarettes. Consumers tend to feel as though they were smoking their normal cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes come in different variety of colors and styles having each style to match as a user's choice. Recently, these cigarettes have been used to help quit the normal traditional cigarettes. All the highly smoking addicted people should try to consume e-cigarettes to reduce actual smoking.

Electronic cigarettes (smokeless cigarettes) are very much the same as the regular type of cigarettes in terms of looks. The only dissimilarity is that the smoke they emit is not harmful to the surroundings. This gives the consumers' the advantage of smoking anywhere in the open since the smoke has got no effect to the people around them. However, like any other type of traditional cigarettes they have got prospective harmful side effects to the consumer's health. One major thing that a consumer should consider is the efficiency of the side effects to their health. Therefore before purchasing any cigarettes, they should ask for what is available from the retail shop attendants. This move will enable the consumer to purchase the current brands that emit less smoke when being used.

Electronic cigarettes are however considered to be very expensive, but this should not be a limitation to the consumers since they have the better option of causing less injurious effects to their health. So before making this advantageous shift, the consumers 'should bear in mind the aspect of cost. So if they smoke frequently in a day, the electronic cigarette smoking can turn out to be a very costly affair. Al though not all of the available electronic cigarette brands are that costly. So consumers' can choose the cheapest brand available in the market. This would turn out to be a thoughtful decision since the consumers will spend less and at the same time will reduce the risk of irritating the people around them more so their loved ones.

Therefore the best move for all the electronic cigarette users would be to search for retail stores that sell them at much reasonable prices. By doing so, consumers 'will get to know the best places to approach every time they require a smoking pack.

The manufactures of the electronic cigarettes have made sure that there are as many as required brands in the market. Each brand has got its own price whereby some are expensive while others are cheap. Therefore it's up to you as a consumer to pick the best affordable brand. Though there are some brands which are advertised to be the best brand but do nothing but harm. So please consult and do research before pay.

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Should You Get a Wall Hung Toilet?

By Chris Miller

Is it probable that you have never heard of a wall hung toilet? Because most folks live in cramped spaces, this kind of toilet is becoming well-liked. If your bathroom is tiny, you can benefit from setting up a wall hung toilet. You are able to have a minimalistic purpose for your bathing room making use of a wall hung toilet.

Why are wall hung toilets not as famous right now? It is possibly the question of the cost and also the worry about the resilience of such modern and innovative fixtures. Here are some of the things worth finding out regarding a wall hung toilet. We hope to answer your questions, especially those regarding the use and purpose of a wall hung toilet. Is it really safe to make use of a wall hung toilet? The first thing you need to understand is that all factors of this implement are supported. The toilet is going to be attached to the plumbing on the wall. Many individuals enjoy the ease of cleaning this type of toilet. This can be useful for folks who meticulously need to make use of the toilet in a more hypo-allergenic manner.

A wall hung toilet can last for a very long time for the reason that it can support weights around 750 pounds. So there is absolutely no chance that you weigh that much. It's safe to use. Actually, you will find some types which can manage to take up thousand pounds of weight. Choose the home version as you don't really need the commercial one. On the other hand, if you want to assure yourself, that even the fattest person in your family is not likely to fall down on the floor, once he sits on that wall hung toilet, well, it is your choice whether you want to buy such a model.

You will find many brands to choose from. Examples of the best models go for 250 US dollars and up. You may want to go over the web and check out all the venues where you can get the best versions, as well as the best deals. It is recommended to buy from a company which has a reputation for superior quality items. Before you buy your own unit, you should read critiques.

There are many cost effective designs out there. Therefore, if your bathing room is small, you would want to save on bathing room space by looking at these minimalistic yet trendy wall hung toilet frames. Ask about the warranties for every single model. The maker will probably give hints on how to best install the wall hung toilet.

How can you recognize if a type is a wall hung toilet? Tanks for this sort of loo will be hidden. So you might find yourself thinking the bathing room to be larger than it is, for the reason that you are looking at all that empty space where once a standard water flush system tank stood. You will also see the decor of the wall instead of the outline of the tank.

Understand the specs of a wall hung toilet so that you will be well-educated if ever you think of setting up one.

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The Most Useful Method Of Getting Into Shape

By Philip Nexston

One thing that many people spend lots of time on is trying to shed unwanted body fat. They are constantly trying new diet plans and workout routines with very few results. The problem is that there is no miracle cure for weight loss.

The only way to eliminate pounds permanently is to make wise decisions and choices. Although many diets are quite effective in slimming the body, the fat comes right back when the individual starts eating regular foods again. The only way to stay fit is by making lifestyle changes. Permanent eating plans work far better than those that only last for a few weeks.

Making the right decisions is often difficult. Being aware of the foods that are put into the body is one method of controlling the situation. Keep a journal and write down everything that is eaten each day. It may be surprising how many little snacks are consumed without even thinking. Mindless eating is a major contributor to diets that fail.

A good calorie count to stick by is from sixteen hundred to two thousand. This is dependent on several factors. Men need more energy than women and should consume more food. People who have an inactive lifestyle need to eat less during the day.

Another great tip is to try and boost the body's metabolism. This is easily done by eating at least five times per day. Two healthy snacks and three complete meals work best. Try to avoid long periods of time between eating. The human body will feel deprived and start storing calories. This creates fat and makes it difficult to get fit.

Be sure to take in plenty of fluids when trying to be healthy. It is not uncommon for the mind to mistake being thirsty for felling hungry. The proper balance of hydration will eliminate the risk of such things happening. It will also make skin and hair look healthy.

Another important aspect in getting fit is to be active. Although most individuals do not have time to work out constantly, a moderate regime should be easy to maintain. Go for a walk after dinner each evening or take a fitness class. Anything is better than having a sedentary lifestyle and possibly getting a severe health problem.

Getting fit is not really difficult. By making the right choices and a few changes along the way, a toned body will be easy to obtain. Don't skip meals, stay well hydrated and don't forget to exercise.

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00.36 | 0 komentar

The Quick Way To Bring Life Back to Your Home

Written By Admin on Jumat, 27 Januari 2012 | 01.04

By Jenny Jones

Decorating a place is a tricky job; there are several aspects that householders have to contemplate and getting confused and confounded while playing decorator is a frequent incident. Windows are a big part (both the interior and exterior) of any house and that explains why deciding what to cover them up with is an enormous decor decision.

Interior Wood Shutters appeared in homes of the top-notch class many centuries ago, however nowadays Interior Wood Shutters are now being employed in households of the common man. This is because the shutters answer many cultured and practical issues of householders.

Because Interior Wood Shutters are the most functional window treatment option available in the present market, they are currently being rapidly installed in all types and styles of properties.

Some basic benefits that come with installing Interior Shutters are:

1. Interior Shutters are Terrific at Light Control and Privacy:

Because of the functional slats or louvre's that are part of pretty much all Interior Shutters, the shutters become great devices to manage light. House owners can simply adjust the tilt rod on the Interior Wood Shutters or the slats themselves and allow the exact quantity of light that they want to enter into their homes.

The slats of the Interior Shutters can be adjusted individually unlike window blinds, so with shutters you've got the selection of completely closing the lower section so that no one can see you while you sip away at your tea or enjoy your paper. And the slats of the top section of the shutters can be left open to make sure that masses of sunlight enters your individual room or the entire house.

2. Interior Shutters Are Fantastic for Sound Insulation:

Due to their strong structure and their adaptable slats Interior Wood Shutters are also superb for sound insulation. Once you close your shutters all the way that you do not need to worry about outside noises coming in or loud noises going out.

3. Interior Shutters Are Straightforward To Clean:

Interior Wood Shutters are extremely easy to maintain and clean, you do not have to go thru any elaborate cleaning exercises with them. Just dusting your Interior Shutters will make them as good as new. Additionally, because Interior Wood Shutters don't attract dust like curtains do, you don't even have to wash them that often- after a month or so is just fine.

4. Interior Shutters Are A Good Investment:

Sure, when you are first purchasing your Interior Wood Shutters it might seem as if you are spending a lot of your money but after a bit it dawns on you what an excellent investment you made as the shutters last a really exceedingly long time.

When you install shutters in the interior of your house you get many benefits that you can't even think of getting with other window treatment possibilities, be it vertical or Venetian blinds, simple curtains or exquisite draperies.

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01.04 | 0 komentar

What are Virgos Like?

By Mark Jacobs

Virgo is an earth sign representing folks born between the 24th of August and the 23rd of September. It is the sixth zodiac sign. Folks belonging to this sign are perfectionists and can be highly demanding due to their enthusiasm for organization and tidiness. It is a very independent sign and also a very intelligent one.

Virgos are also really scornful about others, but their criticism arises because they have made a proper analysis of a situation with their skilful understanding and knowledge. They can be the most engaging people to hang with and the most engaging too. They take pride in doing a job well, no matter whether it is a little or a huge task. They do the task to the best of their capability, so others who aren't so definite find it difficult to hit it off with them.

They make very good use of time and organize themselves well. They're rather cautious and alert and can spot an inaccuracy a mile away. They pay great attention to small details and are really well-read on a wide range of subjects. They may be able to figure out problems in a logical way.

Many people think they are distant. However , the reality is that the Virgo likes to evaluate and research people before deciding. They take their time in making judgments. They loathe being the centre of attention and wish to remain in the sidelines. They prefer to remain in the background and achieve their goals noiselessly and with silent determination.

The Virgo likes to research all angles of a situation before deciding, so they may seem rather slow and indecisive to others. They have a strong mind and occasionally give the impression of being cold and detached. They actually tend to pretend that everything is fine even when it's not.

There are 3 classes of Virgos: the ones born between the 24th August and 3rd September, between 4th Sep and 14th Sep and 15th September to 23rd September. The 1st class can be rather shy and favors anonymity. The second category is awfully intuitive and fast thinkers and the people belonging to the third category are youthful and pleasure seeking.

For the Virgo, everything is in the mind. Though they may appear calm and controlled to the outside world, their mind is working intensely, making an attempt to investigate and improve everything around them. They can be terribly selective and finicky in their drive for perfectionism.

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00.54 | 0 komentar

What Do You Know About LA Escorts?

By Joe Matt

Currently, it is quite easy to obtain dates. The internet has plenty of sites where there are candidates available for dating. And you will find both male and female candidates on the profile list. Hence these sites are not biased. Both men and women can look for dates. There are many dating sites in the internet. One of the most popular dating sites is LA escorts sites.

You might seek out the LA Escorts if you possess internet connection. You will acquire lot of names and images of people who are present for dating. You must take a look at their profiles and select those that you favor. You could pick out as many as you wish. Once you choose the people which you like, you may contact through phone numbers or email.

You might then fix a date with the candidates whom you picked out. If you are fated, you will acquire your soul mate during these dates. Still even if you do not get on in the first date, you must not be frustrated. You could always seek out another from the LA Escorts and that time you could be lucky. A lot of people who have been on dates with LA Escorts have been able to find ideal partners for life.

You may be one of those individuals who obtain their life partners from among those the LA escorts. Or even if you are not looking for a life partner you can have great dates with LA escorts. Whenever you are bored, you might go on dates after making contact with LA Escorts.

You are sure to have a nice time with LA escorts. If you are happy with the service provided by LA escorts then you can recommend them to your friends who are single and ready to mingle. And apart from the fun they could also seek out for true partners who might in turn become their soul mates. In this way you will help your friends and go to double dates with LA escorts.

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00.42 | 0 komentar

There Are Supplies You Will Need For Your Organic Garden

By Hershel Lacount

Because it is eco-friendly and fairly economical, many people are turning to organic gardening. You'll need certain supplies at your local store, before beginning with your garden. Amongst the items you have to get, soil is probably the most important, since it is the growing medium for your plants.

The level of quality and fertility of the garden's soil needs to be optimised before any planting is started. A bit of compost should be introduced first, to give you a range of nutrients and neutralize the soil, since you are not sure of the pH level. You can produce your own compost by using dead leaves, weeds, manure, and vegetable and meat waste material. This way you don't have to purchase the compost, and you avoid a few trips to the landfill. Explore what you want to plant before selecting any seeds, so that you can be sure they will survive your environment. You can plant new vegetables rather than seeds, just be careful to avoid plants with wilted or yellowing leaves.

One of the greatest troubles you may encounter are pests, but you can use horticultural oils to discourage them, as well as rely on them being eaten by birds, ladybugs, toads and other insects. Weed growth, another issue, can be dealt with by yanking them out of the soil, for which activity you may wish to wear some gloves, and possibly knee-pads. Horticultural vinegar sprayed on the garden, or corn meal gluten granules, can prevent the weeds from germinating, as well as supply the soil with nitrogen. Nearly all weeds come out in early spring or fall, and this is the time to try this spray. Fish or even seaweed based fertilizers, that are liquid based, usually are another non-toxic chemical that is used to destroy weeds. Nitrogen, phosphate, and potash, that can be great for the crops, are typically released.

For all those folks who do not have a garden, their organic gardening can be done in pots. Your pots should preferably be made from clay, wood or plastic. You will need to water your potted plants with greater frequency than if they were in a backyard garden. Becoming ready by having all of your gardening supplies makes it easy to plant your crops, harvest them, and be ready for rotating them. There is bound to be more than one gardening materials store in your town, so shop around and and don't buy until you have compared prices. In case your nearby stores don't have what you want, browse online, where often good deals can be found, and, of course, lots of advice.

There isn't any better way to grow your vegetables crops than in an organic garden. It will make it so that you eat food which is not contaminated with chemicals, as well as save you a lot of money. Is it not time for you to try out the difference by planting your organic garden. You will most certainly recognize an improvement in your general well-being as soon as you have eaten food free of chemicals for a while.

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Graduate Schools in the South

Written By Admin on Kamis, 26 Januari 2012 | 00.44

By Jet Hugher

United States have various graduate schools one can choose from but North Carolina Graduate Schools are known to be the best in the south. Applicants can find information about the schools in North Carolina as well as the programs available online. If you are still unsure of which area to pursue then perhaps there is one in North Carolina graduate school programs that might interest you. They offer programs in agricultural science, engineering, education, business management, communication, computer and information sciences. They also provide master's and doctoral courses specifically in the fields of Nursing and Medicine, Business and MBA, Engineering, Biological Life Sciences, Humanities and Culture, Computers and Technology, Public Affairs and Policy, Education and Teaching, Healthcare and Public Health, And Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Best North Carolina Graduate Schools

There is a huge amount of graduate programs in North Carolina State University but they specialize in the areas of engineering, science, and technology. They also give emphasis on several graduate programs which include management, social sciences, education, humanities, and design. One can apply for any of the graduate programs offered by North Carolina State University without hassle. They use the internet to receive applications and documents like resumes, transcripts, test scores, and letters of recommendation can be uploaded to the same application site. It is more convenient for applicants to send applications online because they can keep track of it and can also send or accept questions. The deadline for applications differ depending on the program requested and also place where the applicant came from.

Another way on how to apply to North Carolina Graduate Schools is by checking out University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This university provides 89 graduate programs with 102 masters and 66 doctoral degrees. The number of students enrolled in this university makes up a bulk of Carolina's total number of students. Similar to North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina makes use of the Internet to accept applications. Almost all the documents required for the application are submitted electronically. Transcripts, resumes, test scores, and other letters are either uploaded directly to the website, or emailed to specific email addresses. International applicants are required to submit additional documents like the Financial Certificate as required by U.S. Immigration, and International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores.

Another exemplary University of Carolina is the one in Charlotte. They also accept applications online but this time the test scores should be sent from the testing center. Most documents are scanned and applicants embed them on a soft document following a required format. If the applicant have successfully completed the requirements and submitted them through the site, an email from the university will be received. This means that they will go through the documents and see if you are fit to be one of their students. You can wait until they are done and can check on your application status online.

North Carolina Graduate Schools and other universities in the U.S. have something in common and that is the use of modern technology in receiving applications and questions. It is essential for universities at present to make use of this system to reach out to students who wish to apply but are in far places. This new application system provides a fresh significance to the rules and regulations used during the admission process. If you are interested in applying for a Graduate School in North Carolina, find it online and send your application with ease.

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00.44 | 0 komentar

Mongoose Blackcomb: Bicycle Powered Mountain Climbing For the Average Biker

By Joel Colman

An average person doesn't wake up in the morning with thoughts of blasting down the mountainside at breakneck speeds. Not all of us obsess about how to get that last second edge over other racers in an intense blast through the dirt. For most of us, taking a bike in the mountains is a nice way to see nature, get away from the smog, enjoy the slow pace of the country and even get fit and process.

If that's what you look for, then you need the right kind of tools to help you get there and back safely. Enter the Mongoose Blackcomb - a machine that is all about helping you negotiate those mountain trails without endangering life or limb. A fantastically rugged bike that takes all you can throw at it, this is one machine every mountain biking enthusiast must possess.

The Biker's Perfect Dream Bike

From the Promax brakes that would go through dirt roads, mud and landslides, to a 24-hour speed Shimano gear set-up, there is no better bike for you than the Mongoose Blackcomb! Its top-quality design and craftsmanship beats its competitor's hands down!

For long bike rides along a bumpy dirt road, you would need a bike that would provide for the most comfortable riding position. The Mongoose Blackcomb is specifically designed for this purpose - it is durable, comfortable and can be adjusted to the rider's height and form to make long distance bike riding fun and enjoyable! The positioning of the handlebars, frame and fork construction and seat design are all developed for just this purpose. This is the perfect bike!

The aluminum frame is brilliant, especially when you consider that it contains a dual alloy suspension with a 4-bar vertical spring, running through it. The bike's bump-absorption capability is magical and when you combine that with the seamless gear-shifts, you get a fantastic package.

Other than the Kenda tires that might seem "average," the Mongoose Blackcomb makes the perfect riding partner for both city use and long mountain bike rides. It is not designed to withstand strong and high pressure landing as it is not a "competition bike." The Mongoose is designed for top quality and comfort for long and comfortable bike rides - the dependable riding companion for people who want to get a bit of a workout while still having fun.

The Price is Right!

So, how much are we willing to spend for a quality bike like the Mongoose Blackcomb? It's hard to put a price on a bike that can tackle any terrain, provide the most comfortable and awesome bike riding experience and most importantly, ensure your safety. Given all of the above, you can get all these for just $400!

Hard to believe, isn't it? But it's true! If you buy a Mongoose Blackcomb straight from the manufacturers or from any special bike stores, you can get the Mongoose for only $400. This bike is also available in major stores like Wal-Mart and sometimes, Walmart may even sell it for a cheaper price - as low as $140.

Whether you are doing your shopping for that perfect riding companion online or in the stores, it is always good practice to do your research to not only compare pricing, but most importantly, quality and performance.

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