Waw..Ternyata di Uang Rp 50.000 Lama ada Teks Lagu Kebangsaan

Written By Admin on Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012 | 14.04

Mungkin belum banyak yang tahu, ternyata didalam lembaran uang 50ribu rupiah yang lama ada teks lagu kebangsaan kita loh! Tulisannya dicetak sangat kecil, kemungkinan ini salah satu cara BI untuk mencegah adanya pemalsuan uang. Baiklah, berikut ini DuniaQ Duniamu berikan gambarnya :

14.04 | 0 komentar

Mau Tau Manfaatnya Kalo Kita Gak Pacaran?Baca Ini..

Jomblo itu bebas. Bebas jalan sama siapa aja, nggak ada yang ngelarang. Bebas mau ke mana aja, nggak ada yang ngelarang. Bebas ngerampok mini market, nggak ada yang ngelarang.

Jomblo itu hemat. Duit yang harusnya habis buat pacaran jadi bisa disimpen buat beli macem-macem.
Semakin lama jomblo, semakin banyak uang yang ditabung. Semakin banyak uang yang ditabung, semakin cepat bisa beli barang impian. Misalnya kalau punya pacar, kamu butuh 21 tahun nabung buat beli iPhone 4s. Dengan jadi jomblo, mungkin 14 tahun udah kebeli.

Kamu nggak akan merasakan penyakit-penyakit asmara.
Misalnya Rindu. Mau rindu sama siapa? Cemburu… mau cemburuin siapa? Galau… mau ngegalauin siapa?
Ya, jomblo itu bahagia.

Coba deh perhatiin temen-temen di sekeliling kamu. Orang yang sibuk pacaran biasanya belajarnya nggak bener. Beda sama yang nggak sibuk pacaran. Walaupun nggak bener-bener banget, setidaknya lebih agak bener dari yang tadi kita bilang agak nggak bener.
Bener nggak?
13.06 | 0 komentar

Inilah 10 Motif Cewek Yang Doyan Ngintip Film Porno

Mungkin cewek nggak banyak mengoleksi gambar atau video panas seperti yang biasanya dilakukan cowok, tapi mereka sama tertariknya menyaksikan adegan ataupun gambar-gambar tersebut. Ketertarikan cewek untuk menyaksikan film porno biasanya berbeda dengan motivasi para cowok. Lalu, buat apa dong?

1. Penasaran
Banyak hal yang membuat cewek penasaran, entah posisi seks yang dilakukan tokohnya, obyek yang digunakan, atau mengenai anatomi para pemainnya. Bahkan ada pula yang penasaran, bagaimana kira-kira pembuatan film porno semacam itu? Bahan apakah yang digunakan untuk menciptakan sperma agar volumenya terkesan banyak?

2. Agar terangsang
Cowok dan cewek boleh saja berbeda, tetapi keduanya kompak untuk urusan sesi masturbasi. Mungkin untuk tujuan itulah, film porno dibuat. Para cowok sendiri meyakini, cewek cenderung lebih memilih fantasi mental daripada bantuan secara visual, tetapi banyak juga cewek yang memiliki daya visual sebesar pria. Atau, cowok yang lebih fantasy-oriented seperti cewek.

3. Belajar gerakan baru
Tentu, gerakan akrobatik yang dilakukan para pemain film porno sedikit susah untuk diterapkan di dunia nyata. Apalagi saat pulang ke rumah kamu dan suami sama-sama sudah kecapekan. Meskipun begitu, tetap ada gerakan-gerakan “dasar” yang bisa ditiru. Jadi, entah karena para cewek bosan dengan kehidupan seks saat ini, mencari ide gerakan baru, atau sekadar mengagumi posisi yang diterapkan si pemain, buat kamu film porno bisa tetap jadi “sarana edukasi”.

4. Membandingkan diri dengan pemain
Cewek bisa kompetitif dengan caranya sendiri, khususnya dalam hal penampilan fisik. Kadang-kadang, kita nonton film porno untuk membandingkan diri kita dengan si pemain. Misalnya, mengapa bokong amu nggak terlihat sekencang milik tokoh dalam film tersebut? Di waktu lain, cewek juga nonton film porno untuk membandingkan pasangannya dengan pemain cowok di film tersebut. Samakah ukurannya? Ups….

5. Cuci mata
Hm… wajah pemain film porno memang jarang ada yang memuaskan. Tetapi, setidaknya cewek masih bisa mengagumi bentuk badan mereka. Bahkan memandang kaki yang kokoh dan jari tangan cowok yang rapi pun bisa membangkitkan gairah.

6. Mengisi waktu
Ketika sedang iseng, dan ada DVD porno milik teman atau suami, kita bisa saja tergugah untuk mengintipnya. Kadang-kadang, hal ini juga kita lakukan saat sedang menunggu aktivitas lain. Misalnya, di sela-sela istirahat siang sambil menunggu kurir yang akan mengirim dokumen dari kantor kamu. Atau sambil menunggu jadwal serial Glee, kamu menonton film porno bersama suami? Bagi cewek, ini efisiensi waktu.

7. Mendapatkan mood
Siapa sih yang nggak kesal, ketika sedang enggak mood untuk berhubungan intim, suami nodong terus? Dalam kondisi seperti ini, film porno bisa jadi penolong. Cukup banyak lho cewek yang memanfaatkan film porno untuk “menyalakan” libidonya. Nggak bedalah dengan foreplay. Hanya saja, kita melakukannya dengan video, dan bukannya dengan pasangan.

8. Menemani pasangan
Nggak ada cowok yang nggak suka nonton film porno. Bahkan, banyak juga yang memiliki koleksi khusus. Nah, bila suami memiliki koleksi semacam ini, mau tak mau kamu pasti ikut menyaksikannya. Bahkan, kamu dan pasangan malah bisa menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam untuk menontonnya.

9. Mengeksplorasi fantasi
Jika kebetulan kamu termasuk yang nggak nyaman menyampaikan fantasi seksual, film porno bisa jadi sarana untuk mengalaminya. Misalnya, soal mengeluarkan “bunyi-bunyian” saat sesi bercinta. Ternyata, hal ini merupakan fantasi kamu yang terdalam, yang selama ini tak pernah kamu lakukan bersama pasangan.

10. Hey, Mr P!
Penis adalah sesuatu yang aneh, tetapi bikin cewek penasaran. Karena kita nggak memilikinya, kita ingin tahu apa yang terjadi padanya. Dan, film porno bisa menjadi alat bantunya. Menyaksikan film porno nggak selalu identik dengan hal negatif. Kamu dan pasangan bisa juga mengeksplor berbagai gaya dan lokasi yang nggak terduga. Atau kebiasan ini juga bisa menjadi salah satu teknik foreplayyang unik. So let’s get it better yach…
08.00 | 0 komentar

Tips Mengatasi Serangan Malware

Snipers tau apa itu malware?
MALWARE adalah program komputer yang di ciptakan dengan maksud dan tujuan utama mencari kelemahan software.umumnnya malware di ciptakan untuk membobol atau merusak suatu software atau operating system.

Pastinya itu sangat berbahaya bagi data-data yang ada di komputer kita. Saya ada beberapa tips untuk mengatasi serangan malware berikut tipsnya.

Tips Mengatasi Serangan Malware :

1) Pastikan Anda mem-backup datadi komputer secara rutin. Malware tidak hanya dapat mencuri informasi perbankan atau informasi pribadi lainnya, tetapi juga dapat menghapus seluruh isi komputer bahkan membuat komputer menjadi tidak berfungsi alias rusak.

2) Jangan pernah membuka file attachment ataupun link yang …berasal dari sumber yang tidak dikenal, termasuk attachment di email dan instant message.

3) Sebelum membuka file, scan terlebih dahulu file tersebut dengan antivirus. Jangan lupa untuk selalu meng-update antivirus Anda secara rutin.

4) Perbarui sistem keamanan dan web browser Anda dengan patch terbaru.

5) Hapus semua pesan yang tidak dikenal, jangan membukanya.

6) Jika tiba-tiba salah satu teman yang ada dalam daftar instant messanger mengirimkan pesan aneh, file, ataupun link yang mencurigakan, jangan dibalas ataupun membuka link tersebut. Segera tutup saja window chat tersebut.

Description: Tips Mengatasi Serangan Malware Rating: 5
05.14 | 0 komentar

What Is the Difference Between an ADN and BSN Registered Nurse?

By Jami Willson

To become a Registered Nurse (RN), a person must attend a university or community college that has an established nursing school. Many colleges offer associates degrees in nursing (ADN) or bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN).

The demand for nurses in the medical field is growing each year. Because of the demand the salary for nurses is at an all time high for the profession. With your associate degree in nursing you will earn even more money!

The online nursing education is particularly beneficial for the students who are not in a position to attend conventional schools or colleges.

This is another reason that so many people are keen to get an online nursing degree. The online training model gives you the freedom of taking the course in the pace that is convenient for you. You can make your own schedule that will let you make good use of your spare time.

The second difference involves salary differential. When starting out as a registered nurse, the hourly pay is usually the same for an ADN and BSN nurse. However, if an ADN registered nurse is interested in applying for a manger type position they may be required to obtain their BSN degree before they could work in that type of position. In order, for the ADN nurse to do this they must attend a RN to BSN program. Furthermore, most BSN nurses are more likely to secure positions that involve being a nurse educator, discharge planner, and shift leader compared to a nurse who has an ADN degree.

Associate Degree Nursing Online caters to the need of people who have interest in acquiring professional qualification in nursing field

About the Author:

00.48 | 0 komentar

Guide Tips for World of Warcraft Dungeon

By Sherwood Sorensen

There are thousands of ways for leveling in WOW on the internet. Here are also some tips about how to do WOW leveling in the game.

Keeping your skills and gears up to date is really an important thing for power leveling. This is the most expensive portion of leveling your account. Players buy the weapons and armors in the auction house with large amount of World of Warcraft gold. Most of the players just have enough gold to buy the green items, and some may be able to the blue ones. However , this is the most important in terms of weapons as all players want to keep their DPS (damage per second) in the highest level they can get. Thus, players should upgrade the items to let them appropriate for their classes. Some players like to choose cooler armors. Actually, those aren't really helpful for character power in the game. Just update your gears to help you stay on top in the game.

Go to Searing Gorge, no matter you are Horde or Alliance. After you enter this place, complete the quest at Thorium Stage. Go on with the quest lines until you have finished all the quests in this area. Then, you can level up 3 or 4.

Next, invest in some chat gear. In most of the high-level raids and dungeons, players should talk to their group members as fast and efficiently as they can. The keyboard will cut what you have type if you type slower than 90 words per minute. Fortunately, players can turn to some programs. What's more, if you buy one, other members in a person group can use it for free.

Leaving discovery for mid-levels is also important. There are a lot of running and filling in map locations in WOW. However , this should left to the levels of 30s and 40s. players should explore faster after they get closer to being installed.

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00.41 | 0 komentar

8 bagian Tubuh Cowok Yang Sering Diperhatikan Cewek

Written By Admin on Jumat, 30 Maret 2012 | 20.53

Para penelitian di inggris & amerika melakukan sbuah pnelitian yg tujuan nya tentu saja
utk mengetahui bagian tubuh
mana dari cowok yg paling menarik perhatian cewek.

Berikut ini adalah hasil dari penelitian tersebut:
1) MATA => pandangan yg
pertama ini brlangsung sekitar 15
detik utk Fokus memperhatikan
warna MATA & ekspresi nya.
Jadi segera bersihkan mata kamu dari sekarang, jgn sampe ada kotoran yg nempel di mata...
Nanti cewek2 bisa gubrak.!!!

2) PENAMPILAN => utk
pandangan yg kedua ini brlangsung selama 10 detik utk menilai PAKAIAN & KETERTIBAN nya...
Hal ini cukup masuk akal, terlebih
klo kita pertama bertemu...
Pasti yg di lihat adalah PENAMPILAN dulu,
Secara....itulah yg memang pertama kali terlihat

3) GAYA RAMBUT => pada pandangan yg ketiga ini butuh 5
detik utk mengevaluasi GAYA
RAMBUT, meski ada juga wanita yg menyukai pria brkepala botak (pL0nt0s).
Yah...meski rambut nya tdk terlalu
rapi, setidak nya jgn terlalu acak-acakan lah....

4) TANGAN => fokus pada pandangan yg ke empat ini di arahkan ke TANGAN, utk
menentukan bagaimana jantan &
menariknya mereka....& apakah
ada cincin kimpoi di jari manisnya....hehe
Tangan cowok yg kekar menjadi
indikator betapa jantan nya seorang cowok, TANGAN cowok yg kekar lebih di sukai cewek,

5) ALAS KAKI => pandangan yg ke Lima ini di fokuskan pada
ALAS KAKI, sepatu yg bulukan atau sandal dgn 2 warna sebaik
nya di hindari krna itu menjadi salah satu yg di nilai sama

pandangan yg ke enam ini brlangsung sekitar 15 detik utk
memperhatikan GAYA berjalan,
EKSPRESI wajah & gerak tubuh...
Hmmm...kyak nya mesti belajar jadi foto m0deL nieh??? Waaaah pasti ribet tuh!!

7) BIBIR => sayang nya dalam hal
ini tdk di jelaskan BIBIR seperti
apa yg di sukai para wanita.....,
apakah bibir dower?, jebLeh??
atau BIBIR sensual aLa tukul &
(kalo tmen2 cewe ane pd suka type bibir kea punya bondan prakoso gan, sexy katanya)

8) BOKONG => naah Lo.....ternyata
diam2 cewek juga sama seperti cowok......suka ngeliatin BOKONG
Tapi di sini BOKONG yg penuh lebih di sukai cewek dari pada
BOKONG cowok yg tepos kya triplek....hehehe tapi jgn terlalu
Bahenol....ntar di kira cewek lagi!!
ternyata ada satu hal lagi yang sering di perhatiin cewe dr cowo gann,

20.53 | 0 komentar

Wow! Dewi Persik Pasang Foto-Foto Hotnya Di Twitter

Hampir sering mendapat protes lantaran foto-foto panasnya di internet, penyanyi dangdut Dewi Persik (Depe) ternyata belum merasa kapok juga. Kali ini, dirinya memasang foto hot di jejaring sosial Twitter.

Mantan istri Sapul Jamil itu telah mengunggah sekitar 4 foto hotnya di akun twitter sejak Rabu (28/3) lalu.

Dalam foto tersebut, Depe terlihat seksi saat mengenakan kostum agak ketat dari kulit berwarna hitam hingga bentuk lekuk tubuhnya agar terlihat. Selain itu, Depe juga berpose agak hot serta bagian perutnya terlihat.

Sementara itu pada foto lainnya Depe terlihat menggunakan topeng dan berfoto bersama seorang pria berambut panjang.

Sayangnya, foto tersebut langsung di hapus Depe setelah beberapa jam ia mengunggahnya.

20.42 | 1 komentar

Cara Ngeles Waktu Kalian Ditagih Hutang

Ditagih hutang itu rasanya gak enak, bikin gak nyaman ke mana-mana. Ini cara ngeles pas ditagih hutang biar kamu bisa melanjutkan hidup:
1. Pura-Pura Amnesia
Kamu bisa belajar akting dari artis-artis sinetron. Dengan sedikit bumbu lebay, kamu pasti bisa mengelabuinya.
2. Memelas
Kemampuan drama kamu diuji di sini. Siapin skenario paling sedih buat dijalankan, misalnya ceritain kosan kamu yang udah mulai digusur, atau uang kuliah yang nunggak bersemester-semester.
3. Alihkan Pembicaraan
Buat dia lupa dengan mengalihkan pembicaraan, alihkan pembicaraan ke topik yang dia suka.
4. Kabur
Pas ditagih hutang, alihkan pengelihatannya, terus kabur.
10.23 | 0 komentar

Cara Disable Copy Paste Di Blogspot

Script ini sama fungsinya dengan script disable klik kanan mouse, tapi yang cara yang ini dengan memasukan kode script pada template blog sobat. fungsinya sama melindungi aksi copy paste orang pada konten blog kita, areal sortir tidak akan keluar apalagi klik kanan copy.

Tapi menurut saya yang namanya Tutorial buat apa di protect banget, apalagi tutorial blogger/blogspot.Biarlah mudah dicopy dan disharing temen biar bisa nambah traffic ke blog kita, untuk yang suka copy paste tanpa ngasih keterangan link sumber biarin deh, elmunya gak bakal nambah kok, kecuali konten blog sobat bener bener orisinil dan perlu perlakukan protect dari copy paste. Jika ingin tetep masang anti copy paste atau disable klik kanan copy buat blogspot begini caranya:

1.  Log in dengan akun Blogger sobat
2.  Go to Layout -> Edit HTML
3.  Backup dulu template blog sobat
4.  Klik “Expand Widget Templates”
5.  Cari kode <head>  pada template blog kalian :

Copy pastekan code dibawah ini sesudah kode diatas :
<!--Disable Copy And Paste-->
<script language='JavaScript1.2'>
function disableselect(e){
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
if (window.sidebar){
5. Kemudian Save.

Catatan :

Kelemahan cara ini masih bisa diakali lewat mematikan fungsi Enable pada browser, dan script ini tidak berfungsi karena menggunakan bahasa Javascript. semua kembali kepada manusianya klo sama sama belajar harusnya sama sama membantu ada etika sesama blogger tanah air.

04.15 | 0 komentar

Cara Mudah Pasang Disable Klik Kanan Mouse Di Blogspot

1. Login to blogger.com dengan akun sobat
2. Go to Layout --> Add a Gadget --> Select html/javascript
3. Copy pastekan kode dibawah ini :

<script language="JavaScript">
//Disable right mouse click Script
//For tips blogging, visit http://palingkomplet.blogspot.com
var message="Izin Dulu Deh!";
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;
function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")
// -->
4. kemudian SAVE.

Untuk Melihat Hasilnya coba klik kanan mouse di blog sobat. Akan Keluar Tulisan “Ijin Dulu Deh”, Nah tulisan diatas masih bisa sobat ganti dengan kata kata sobat sendiri, Selamat Mencoba.
04.09 | 0 komentar

Cara Merubah TiTle Blog Jadi Title Postingan

Coba browser Halaman Blog kamu misal http://palingkomplet.blogspot.com, Nah di address browser pasti tertulis Title/Judul blog sobat. Coba sobat blogger klik salah satu postingan blog sobat pasti sama yang terlihat pasti Tile atau judul blog sobat. Tapi jika yang tertera judul Postingan sobat itu tandanya sudah bener, karena antara judul blog dan Judul postingan harusnya berbeda.

Untuk yang masih memakai template standar bawaan blogger pasti seperti itu, tapi jika sobat memakai template blogger yang sudah editan pasti beda. tapi tidak soal sobat bisa kok menerapkannya sendiri, caranya mudah mengganti judul blog dengan judul postingan.
Ikutin ini :

   1. Login ke blogger.com dengan akun sobat.
   2. Pilih  Tata Letak  dan Edit HTML.
   3. Cari kode seperti ini  ( biasanya berada di bawah kode <head>) :
   4. Ganti kode diatas dengan kode dibawah ini  :
          <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
Sobat blogger juga bisa menambahkan kode di belakang </title> Jika ingin menampilkan judul blog atau keyword dibelakang judul postingan
Seperti dibawah ini :
          <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
          <title><data:blog.title/> | Judul blog sobat atau keyword </title>
   5. Setelah selesai tinggal di Save.

Maksudnya begini untuk halaman utama titlenya akan tetap “Judul blog sobat”, Tapi setelah di klik salah satu postingan , maka judul blog akan berubah sesuai judul postingan yang tadi di klik tersebut..

Semoga bermanfaat
03.19 | 0 komentar

Hasil Pertandingan dan Jadwal Liga Champions | Terbaru 2012

Liga Champions

Hasil pertandingan dan jadwal liga champions terbaru 2012 ini update secara otomatis setiap selesai pertandingan karena bersumber langsung dari : Soccerway.com.

Keterangan :
P =Play, W=Win, D=Draw, L=Lose, F=Gol Scored,A=Goal Agains, GD=Goal Different, Pts=Total Point

Description: Hasil Pertandingan dan Jadwal Liga Champions terbaru 2012,top scorers liga champion musim ini,hasil liga champions malam tadi Rating: 5
00.59 | 0 komentar

Thrilling and Quick Driving - The 2010 Mazda Miata MX-5

By Keith Reed

Nissan Altima hybrid models represent a real success if judged by the design and the green purposes they save. A mid-sized Sedan, Nissan Altima hybrid will cost you around $33,000 approximately, but though the price may seem scary, it seems to be worth paying. In terms of horsepower, you've got 158-horsepower to enjoy, resulting from the assisted function of a gasoline and an electrical motor. The fuel feeding rate is not exactly the lowest in its category but it is considered pretty acceptable for a 2.5 engine. Even so, Nissan Altima hybrid has almost no competition on the market from models like Toyota Camry hybrid or Chevrolet Malibu hybrid that are also more affordable to more users.

You can get a black cloth top and black leather seats with cool red stitching. The car also has Mazdaspeed spoilers and badges. The Miata still gets 20 mpg in the city and 26 mpg on the highway. It has all the modern features, too, like a 225 watt stereo with a six disc in dash CD changer, remote keyless entry, power windows, and subtle tuner touches like a silver painted tower brace and red painted stabilizer bars. The calipers have also been painted silver. The car weighs only 2529 lbs which always helps performance.

Ford makes changes to its vehicles year-on-year and hence make them advanced with every passing year. This strong performer F-250 truck smoothly carries heavy freight, without much hitching and with smooth acceleration. It is a specialized vehicle for working on odd roads with heavy stuff. But one thing that I would like to remind here is that driving this truck requires great driving skills and attention.Ford F-250 truck has a very efficient engine and in fact provides best-in-class fuel economy. Be it towing, pulling or hauling, this pick-up does it all. Its immense towing capacity and controlled movement is superb and making the towing an effortless task. With it's these features, F-250 truck commands on road and does the job in the best way. In short, this heavy hauler work hard and play hard as well.

According to factory representatives, production of the V10 power plant will be phased out later this year. The 6.2L Boss V8 will replace the legendary V10. The 6.2L Boss should produce approximately 500 hp. Perhaps the substitution is intended to regain dominance over the top-performing power plant available in the GMC 2500HD now rated at 360 hp.

The Mazda MX-5 is currently in its third generation and enjoying a consistent and fully deserved level of popularity. But what keeps dragging the consumers in is the unbelievably low price. For less than 20,000 you can own a fully functional, stylish looking and high performing sports car. Best of all, you won't get the jeering masses pointing at you as you drive through the town centres, accusing you of having some kind of breakdown. The question is; how does the sporty Mazda manage to be both cheap, mock-proof and maintain its value in the used car market?

The answer is slightly depressing to the prospective Mazda MX-5 [http://www.nortonway.com/new-mazda-cars/new-mazda-mx5] owner, but true nonetheless. The Mazda MX-5 is quite a common car. When I say "common" I don't mean like your Cousin Jeanette who spends every Friday night at the working men's clubs looking for a 'victim' for the night, but common in the sense that more than a few people have cottoned on to the benefits of owning a Mazda MX-5. The Mazda represents the meeting point between dreams and reality for a lot of drivers. It is achievable but not disappointing, which is probably the best that the largest proportion of the population can hope for in driving terms.

About the Author:

00.39 | 0 komentar

Spa Covers Can Be Extremely Critical

By Emily J. Blandie

To function effectively, it is important for spa covers to fits properly. Using the right spa cover can extend the lifespan of your spa equipment. Better insulation and energy efficiency for your spa can be achieved by the use of a well-constructed, properly fitted spa cover. The following explanation will illustrate how.

In order to keep the water heated and filtered, a well insulated spa needs to run the equipment less. You will save money on energy charges and add years to the existence of your spa equipment and parts when it has to run less frequently. And that means you are additionally helping the environment.

Inspect your spa cover regularly and take note of any changes. A waterlogged foam core, warping or poorly fit vinyl are telltale signs that it definitely is time to replace your spa cover.

The covers that come with a new spa are not designed to survive forever. This would be a good time to consider a custom spa cover to replace the original. Rather than being mass produced like the cover that originally came with your spa, a custom-made cover is specially designed to your specifications, using the precise measurements of your spa.

The finest materials to best fit your environment and needs are used to craft a custom cover. Custom spa covers are carefully designed and constructed using the finest materials available and superior workmanship. The original factory manufactured cover does not receive all the attention to detail and quality workmanship that goes into a custom cover. Factory made covers are not built and designed to last as long as custom spa covers.

Carefully made custom covers have an apparently different quality than the factory covers that are mass manufactured. Pricing is also an important factor. Many spa covers are over-priced when you scrutinize the quality of materials and workmanship.

The unique features needed for your specific environment as well as the type of materials used are influenced by you when you decide on a custom spa cover. The perfect spa cover for your environment can be obtained with the use of the proper foam density and taper which will provide the best combination of heat retention and durability for your application.

Your spa supplies dealer can help you to determine what would serve your needs the best for the perfect, most efficient cover for your spa. You will be confident that the fit and quality will be the absolute best along with superior customer service assuring your satisfaction.

About the Author:

00.36 | 0 komentar

Besar atau Kecil, Payudara Tetap Harus Sering 'Diraba'

Written By Admin on Kamis, 29 Maret 2012 | 19.11

Banyak orang meyakini payudara kecil lebih aman dari kanker. Namun menurut ahli kanker, payudara besar maupun kecil sama-sama bisa diserang kanker dan satu-satunya cara mudah untuk mendeteksinya adalah dengan sering-sering diraba.

Ketua Perhimpunan Ahli Bedah Onkologi Indonesia (PERABOI), dr Sonar Soni Panigoro, SpB(K)Onk mengatakan kanker payudara paling banyak berasal dari kelenjar payudara. Makin banyak kelenjarnya, otomatis peluang untuk diserang kanker juga semakin besar.

Karenanya tidak salah apabila dikatakan bahwa makin besar ukuran payudara maka risiko kanker juga makin besar. Namun bukan berarti payudara kecil benar-benar aman, sebab kenyataannya laki-laki sekalipun bisa kena kanker payudara meski risikonya jauh lebih kecil.

"Laki-laki juga bisa kena, tapi kalau dibandingkan dengan perempuan paling cuma 1:100 karena kelenjarnya tidak berkembang. Jadi sama saja, payudara besar atau kecil tetap harus diperiksa," kata dr Sonar usai peluncuran Film Televisi tentang kanker payudara, "Derita Dinda" di Hotel Four Seasons, Kamis (29/3/2012).

Cara paling mudah untuk memeriksanya menurut dr Sonar adalah dengan sering-sering meraba payudara, lalu memeriksakannya jika ditemukan ada benjolan. Tidak perlu panik, tidak semua benjolan itu pasti kanker karena hanya 1 dari 5 benjolan yang pada akhirnya terbukti sebagai kanker.

Sayangnya, benjolan kanker kadang-kadang baru teraba ketika ukurannya sudah lebih dari 1 cm yang artinya sudah memasuki stadium 1. Peluang kesembuhannya tentu masih lebih tinggi dibandingkan jika sudah stadium lanjut, namun tetap saja jaringan kankernya harus dioperasi.

Menurut dr Sonar, peluang kesembuhan yang paling besar adalah jika kanker ditemukan pada stadium 0 (nol) yakni ketika belum ada gejala atau benjolan. Pada stadium ini, kanker tidak terdeteksi hanya dengan diraba saja tetapi harus diamati dengan alat khusus.

Pada perempuan di atas usia 40 tahun, deteksi dini kanker payudara pada stadium 0 bisa dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan penunjang berupa mamografi. Untuk perempuan yang berusia di bawah 40 tahun, pemeriksaan penunjang yang digunakan adalah ultrasonografi.
19.11 | 0 komentar

Cara Mudah Buang Tanda Tang Atau Obeng Di Blogspot

Buat blogger yang masih baru belajar ngeblog di blogger pasti pernah deh ngalami posting baru di blog dan waktu cek postingan baru terlihat ada tanda tang atau obeng di tiang wodget, itu artinya sobat sedang posisi login di blogger.com tapi jika sobat logout tanda ini tidak tampak di browser halaman URl Blogspot sobat.

Sobat tidak perlu kawatir tanda itu merupakan sebuah tool yang berfungsi untuk mengedit widget secara langsung pada halaman blog.  Sehingga Anda tidak perlu lagi masuk ke menu Page Elements untuk melakukan pengeditan. Dengan demikian sobat akan bisa lebih mudah untuk mengedit blog sobat. Jadi jika kita masuk ke blog kita tanpa login ke blogger maka icon ini tidak akan muncul begitu juga pengunjung yang mengunjungi blog kita. Tapi jika sobat tidak menginginkannya bisa dihapus kok, begini caranya :

1. Login ke Blogger. Klik Design -> Edit HTML.
2. Lalu backup template blog sobat dahulu dengan cara klik pada Download Full Template
3. Jika sudah, beri centang pada "Expand Widgets Templates"
4. Tekan Ctrl+F untuk membuka kotak Find
5. Ketikkan kode <b:include name='quickedit'/> ke dalam kotak lalu klik Next
6. Jika sudah ketemu, hapus kode tersebut. Setiap kode <b:include name='quickedit'/> mewakili satu icon tang dan obeng jadi jika template Anda terdapat lebih dari satu icon tang dan obeng. Gunakan Ctrl+F untuk mencarinya.
7. Kalau sudah menghapus semuanya. Klik Save Template lalu klik View Blog untuk melihat hasilnya. Sekarang semua icon quick edit yang berbentuk tang dan obeng sudah tudak ada lagi. Jika masih ada, mungkin masih ada kode <b:include name='quickedit'/> yang belum terhapus. Coba cari kembali dengan cara diatas.

Keterangan :

Keuntungan menghapus code diatas ternyata mengurangi error validasi blog di www.validator.w3.org
05.45 | 0 komentar

Harga dan Spesifikasi Lengkap Nokia Asha 302

Nokia kembali mengeluarkan ponsel fitur terbarunya Asha 302. Ponsel yang meramaikan daftar keluarga Asha ini diklaim sebagai ponsel fitur yang menawarkan rasa smartphone.

"Lembaga riset GFK menggunakan kategori baru untuk menyebut Asha, yaitu smartphone lite. Karena ini adalah ponsel fitur namun dilengkapi kemampuan mendekati ponsel cerdas," ujar Martin Chirrotarab, President Director Nokia Indonesia, di peluncuran Nokia Asha 302, Kamis

Ponsel fitur yang diklaim mendekati smartphone tersebut memang memiliki spesifikasi yang cukup tinggi. Dalam dapur pacunya disematkan prosesor yang berlari di kecepatan 1GHz. Sedangkan untuk ruang penyimpanan, disediakan memori internal seluas 140Mb dengan tambahan microSD yang bisa diperluas sampai 32GB. ini dia harga dan spesifikasi Nokia Asha 302.

 Spesifikasi Asha 302

 Asha 302 juga mendukung konektivitas HSDPA, WLAN, EGPRS class 32, serta Bluetooth 2.1. Ponsel ini juga dibekali kamera yang bertengger di bagian belakang dengan tingkat ketajaman 3,2 megapixel.

Nokia menggunakan baterai berkapasitas 1430mAh yang diklaim bisa bertahan stand by sampai 29 hari, dengan waktu bicara sekira 9 jam (GSM), serta 5,9 jam (WCDMA). Selain itu juga disediakan fitur Nokia Browser dan aplikasi bawaan Nokia Life.

"Browser kami menggunakan teknologi proxy, sehingga ketika konsumen mau mengakses situs, data akan dikompres sampai 80 persen sehingga bisa lebih cepat ketimbang web normal di perangkat lain," ujar Chirrotarab soal perambannya. 

Harga  Nokia Asha 302

Ponsel dari keluarga Asha itu dibanderol dengan harga yang terjangkau, sekira Rp 1.150.000. Karena bekerja sama dengan Indosat, konsumen juga akan memperoleh paket data gratis selama tiga bulan. Ditambah dengan bisa mengunduh lagu gratis melalui Nokia Music selama enam bulan.

Description: Harga dan Spesifikasi Nokia Asha 302 Rating: 5
04.25 | 0 komentar

Three Small Known Details About - Portable Basketball Hoop

By Nancy J. Nunez

Portable basketball hoop reviews are much more handy as in comparison with ground or wall mounted basketball systems. First off, you can't possibly play basketball with out a hoop, can you? It in fact completes the model. Best portable basketball hoops can also be fitted using a breakaway rim so it really is feasible for players to complete the well-known slam dunk. As such, one of its greatest plus aspect is its portability.

Getting portable, you'll be able to carry the basketball hoop in addition to you anytime, anywhere. One doesn't need to be busy with stand poles or concrete walls to install a basketball system. In actuality, a number of subdivisions or villages would nevertheless demand getting a permit before you are able to install a basketball system. So and so, you wouldn't have to worry since because they are portable you are able to pack them up anytime you would like without getting reprimanded by administration. If ever you need to transfer homes, you'll be able to bring in addition to you your portable basketball hoop.

Because you'll be able to bring the portable basketball hoop model anyplace with you, you are able to virtually play them anywhere. You don't need to have a stand pole, or possess a concrete wall allotted to have them installed. You'll find home villages or subdivisions which do not permit any in-ground basketball systems to be installed. As such, portable basketball hoops would certainly do the trick. By then, you wouldn't have to bother yourself with getting permits for ground basketball systems.

You almost certainly need to get a lifetime portable basketball hoop. You most likely want a portable basketball hoop that would last to a really lengthy time, something that you simply could use for the next many years to test your expertise. A portable basketball hoop is also an investment that is why it's only crucial that you pick something that would prove it to become helpful and was produced to last for many years. So it really is essential to check the specs of the portable basketball hoop that you simply are planning to buy.

At times you should have weights like sandbags or external weights. This really is a lot less difficult as in comparison to having to dig a hole to get a pole, or drilling in to the walls of one's residence to setup a backboard. Sometimes you can't even adjust these systems as soon as currently installed. Because it's portable, you can take your game anyplace outside your homes. If your job demands you to become on several locations, then you can bring along your game with you.

You'll find those whose concern is regardless of whether they are able to have their slam dunks with portable basketball hoops. Based on portable basketball hoop review, the less expensive models might not be able to tolerate several weights. But, with greater high quality best portable hoops, it really is much more than achievable. You can install a breakaway rim if you want to be able to slam dunk. You just have to make sure that the portable hoop you bought allows upgrading.

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01.00 | 0 komentar

Enhance Safe Security For Private Homeowners

By Alex Blaken

Safe security is one of the most crucial considerations for private householders and commercial businesses with valuable items to safeguard from potential robbers and damage. There are lots of reasons behind having a safe installed in your property, however all of these become inconsequential if the safe itself is vulnerable to attack, easy to remove or prone to damage from outside forces. Although no safe can ever be completely secure against professional crooks, you'll be able to stack the chances significantly in your favor by observing a couple of essential principles.

There are 2 places for safes which are undoubtedly the most typical, and each shows its own unique problems to the safe owner. Those that have them at home are usually worried about theft and fire. You can add to the security by adding extra layers of protection to the safe. There's no reason at all for a thief to try and enter something that he does not know is there. Safes hidden with houses can easily be placed so that nobody ever has to know they can be found.

Of course an industrial safe is a different story. Crooks are going to assume there is 1 somewhere. Although they can easily be concealed to some extent, it is far more important to think about limiting the period of time a thief has in which to work. If security devices are put in place to inform the business owner or an associate when the house is broken into, which will significantly limit the potential of the burglar to break a safe. Security cameras can also slow down any burglars and it is a good idea to have the pictures sent off area.

Most individuals only think about the possibility of theft with regards to a safe. However another reason for a safe is protection against fire. There have been several incidents where a building has burned down, and a safe which was contained in the building has been found intact. Opening the safe has revealed that the contents were unharmed. The important thing is to make certain the inside temperature doesn't get hot enough to do damage to whatever is in inside.

An outside safe can easily be used to keep extra building keys in them. It's a great method to protect against being locked out of a home or building and these are very compacted so putting them somewhere like a shed is easy. A safe that opens with a combination is a great idea here rather than one that opens with a key. You can even get them now where you can use your credit card to open.

One of the most essential facets of all safe security is concealing the safe to ensure that as few folks as possible know of its presence. Safes in a house are much easier to hide since it's not necessarily expected. Wall safes can be hidden behind artwork or plasma television screens, but they have to be hidden in such a way that the removing of the outlying object does not immediately reveal them. Hiding them behind an apparent electrical fitting is one way of adding an extra layer of concealment.

The most important thought of all with securing a safe is to make certain that it is fitted as strongly as possible in the structure. It shouldn't be detachable at all or the thief could basically seize the safe and run. Floor safes and those inlayed into the building's foundation are the safest. They are virtually impossible to take out, easy to hide, and in the very best possible location to withstand a fire. Easy gain access to can easily be a problem though.

Safe security is going to really depend upon the company you have install it. You need to be certain that the safe is going to be virtually out of the question to remove without the entire property being assaulted with heavy equipment, and you also have to make sure that the fire threat is reduced as far as you possibly can. The best solution might be underground floor safes as they're the best with regards to fires.

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00.50 | 0 komentar

You Can Speed Up Your PC With A PC Booster.

By Dmitry Vasenyov

I should say that a great number of things can affect how well your personal computer runs. For example I can point out to the number of software programs installed in your PC. Another crucial factor is the amount of memory employed for each application. System errors also make a great contribution into your PC's slow down. To fix all bugs you need to allocate enough time. Moreover you require a solid PC knowledge. But on the other hand you can make use of PC optimization software as it really assists people in keeping their computers running to their maximum potential.

There's a possibility of speeding up your home computer manually. So you only need to make a couple of clicks. For example you can make your way to the start menu and then click on "all programs" to get to "accessories" and "system tools". You should click on the "disk fragmentary". Thus you can defragment your disk. To say the truth you'd better defragment your hard drive with alternative software solutions as default means are less efficient.

Having defragmented your hard drive you should go back to system tools in order to click on "disk cleanup". It makes sense to uninstall unused software programs via "add/remove programs". After this you should use your run application. Just type in "msconfig" and you'll find yourself in the start up tab. You need to click any software programs you don't want to run on start up

All these recommendations will help you to improve the performance and speed of your home computer. But you can achieve more if you use professional software to maintain your PC in a perfect working condition.

By the way it's advisable to make use of PC booster software to optimize your home computer.

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00.47 | 0 komentar

Reproduction Furniture: An Alternative To Difficult To Find Antiques

By Manuel T. Beard

Sometimes you have no other option besides choosing reproduction furniture when you want to achieve the antique style that you love. Locating the antiques you want is often not an easy task. In order to discover all of the antique furniture you want to fill the empty rooms in your house, you could spend your entire life searching for it. Additionally, it can get quite costly to buy antique furniture.

You will not have to waste your entire life searching for something that is impossible to find and you will not have to spend too much money if you achieve the antique look you desire with reproduction furniture. If you do not have the money for genuine antiques, that does not mean you have to waste money on low quality pieces that are found in large furniture chains. There are a lot of companies available that can make reproductions for you. Some specialize in a specific style while others concentrate on certain makers or artists.

But it can at times be hard to find people who can make these types of replications. You will not find a lot of woodworkers that specialize in making only antiques. For this reason, you will be unlikely to find a local craftsman. Even though you may know an exceptionally good furniture maker, in order to get the antique looking items that you want, you will need someone who is experienced in antiques. Fortunately you can use the internet to find someone who specializes in the type of antique furniture that you want.

Being weary is something that you should do when dealing with any kind of seller on the internet. You have to make sure that anyone that you do business with online is trustworthy. Furthermore, you need to be sure that the people who will be making your reproduction furniture can produce high quality work and have the right type of experience. You should also demand that the people working on your furniture use superior quality materials and have researched antiques. When you have this type of furniture created, the pieces often turn into heirlooms so you will want them to last a very long time.

Many individuals or companies that offer reproduction furniture also create custom antique furniture. You will be able to discove an individual or a company that will be able to make the piece of furniture you want no matter if you want something based off of classical English design or something entirely different. If you opt to ask for a custom design, it is imperative for you to communicate clearly about your specific desires for the article of furniture.

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00.36 | 0 komentar

Tips Mengatasi Tetangga Kosan yang Berisik

Written By Admin on Rabu, 28 Maret 2012 | 16.08

Bete nggak sih kalo punya tetangga yang berisik? Mau tidur keganggu, mau belajar jadi nggak konsen, mau makan jadi nggak nafsu (eh, ini mah kalo abis diputusin pacar ya?) Nyusahin deh! Bawaannya pengen ngejejelin cabe rawit ke mulutnya. Tenang, NYUNYU ngerti kok perasaan kamu. Nih, NYUNYU kasih tips ngatasin tetangga yang berisik. Semoga abis itu kamu bisa hidup aman dan tentram.

Kasih Cerita Horor
Sekali-sekali main ke kamarnya, kalo bisa pas malem Jumat. Kamu jejelin dia cerita horor. Pastikan ekspresi kamu cukup meyakinkan jadi dia nggak mungkin nggak percaya sama cerita kamu.

2.   Isengin (Sesuai Dengan Cerita Horor yang Kamu Ceritain)
Setelah langkah pertama, langkah berikutnya adalah kamu ngisengin dia. Jam 1 malem, kamu ketok-ketok pintu kamarnya trus kamu ngumpet. Lakukan berulang-ulang biar dia parno. Setiap dia mulai berisik lagi, ulangi lagi tindakan kamu, kalau perlu pake efek spesial seperti ngegaruk kaca jendelanya pakai kuku.

3.   Kirimin Surat Kaleng
Isinya yang mengancam atau nyindir. Misalnya, “Yang boleh berisik di sini cuma Pak RT!” Biar dramatis, pake cat warna merah biar dikira darah.
4.   Kadoin Dia Lakban Item
“Makasih, ya. Tapi kenapa lakban? Buat apa ya?”
“Buat ngelakban mulut lo!”
5.   Pindah Kosan
Kalo cara-cara di atas nggak berhasil, kunciin dia dulu dari luar biar nggak bisa ke mana-mana. Sukurin! Abis itu buru-buru pindah kosan sebelum ketauan.
16.08 | 0 komentar

Inilah Alasan Mengapa Pria Kepergok Selingkuh Malah Marah

Siapa tak marah melihat pasangan selingkuh? Mereka yang menjadi korban pengkhianatan seharusnya paling berhak mengekspresikan kekecewaan. Tapi nyatanya, mereka yang selingkuh justru lebih emosional terhadap pasangan saat pengkhianatannya terbongkar.

Seperti dikutip dari laman Your Tango, pria yang kepergok selingkuh cenderung lebih mudah meluapkan emosinya demi mempertahankan ego.

Pria cenderung menggunakan emosi demi menutupi kesalahannya. Dalam kondisi terpojok lantaran kepergok selingkuh, mereka akan mudah mencari kesalahan pasangannya demi menyelamat harga dirinya.

Bahkan, bukan mustahil ia akan membuat situasi berbalik dengan menyudutkan pasangan sebagai biang keladi perselingkuhan. Pria akan mencari segala cara untuk menghindari ‘serangan’ yang membuatnya merasa sebagai pelaku kejahatan.

Pria yang melakukan pengkhianatan cenderung tak merasa terancam kehilangan hubungan karena sudah memiliki pasangan baru yang lebih menggairahkan hidupnya. Mereka kehilangan empati terhadap perasaan pasangannya. Ini terjadi karena mereka umumnya sudah merasa terpisah dari pasangannya.

Sikap agresif yang ditunjukkan pria selingkuh semacam itu seringkali juga sengaja dilakukan untuk mempercepat putusnya hubungan. Terbongkarnya perselingkuhan dijadikan momentum untuk benar-benar lepas dari pasangan utamanya.
14.55 | 0 komentar

Hah...PSK Kelas Atas di Spanyol Gelar Mogok Seks Nasional

Perempuan panggilan kelas atas Spanyol menolak untuk berhubungan seks dengan para bankir negara itu. Aksi mereka akan stop jika para bankir membuka keran kredit untuk keluarga dan perusahaan yang kesulitan keuangan.

Para pekerja seks untuk pria hidung belang kelas atas itu mengatakan, aksi mogok mereka akan berlanjut sampai para pegawai bank memenuhi tanggung jawabnya terhadap masyarakat dan mulai menawarkan pinjaman yang lebih besar bagi warga Spanyol yang tengah bergulat menghadapi krisis ekonomi. Para bankir yang licik berusaha menghindari protes itu dengan mengaku sebagai arsitek atau insinyur, kata para pekerja seks itu seperti dikutip Mail Online, Selasa (27/3/2012).

Namun aksi ini 'tidak akan menipu siapa pun' karena, sebagaima diungkapkan salah seorang perempuan pekerja seks itu, "Sudah bertahun-tahun sejak para profesional itu mampu membayar tarif yang dimulai dari 300 euro (Rp 3,6 juta) per jam."

Asosiasi perdagangan pekerja seks kelas atas terbesar di ibukota itu, yang dilaporkan telah memulai aksi mogok itu, mengatakan, "Kami satu-satunya yang punya kemampuan nyata untuk menekan sektor ini. Kami sudah melakukan aksi mogok selama tiga hari hingga sekarang dan kami tidak berpikir bahwa mereka bisa tahan lebih lama lagi," kata seorang perempuan yang dikenal sebagai Ana MG.

Dikatakan bahwa gerakan itu muncul setelah salah seorang anggota asosiasi itu, Lucia, menghentikan 'layanan seksual'-nya bagi seorang klien yang adalah pegawai bank guna menekan klien itu untuk memberikan pinjaman.

Situs web Meksiko, SDPnoticias.com, yang digandeng Russia Today dalam menyiarkan sejumlah berita yang telah diklaim sebagai sebuah 'tipuan' itu, melaporkan bahwa para bankir menjadi sedemikian putus asa sehingga mereka memanggil pemerintah untuk memediasi.

Aksi mogok para pekerja seks itu terjadi saat Spanyol diperkirakan akan dilanda pemogokan umum pada Kamis besok untuk memprotes pengangguran yang tinggi dan perubahan undang-undang ketenagakerjaan yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memberhentikan para pekerjanya dengan kompensasi yang lebih ringan.

Layanan kereta api, bus dan lalu lintas udara akan sangat terbatas karena serikat pekerja, yang mewakili satu dari lima pekerja Spanyol, setuju untuk hanya mempertahankan layanan transportasi minimum. Hal itu berarti hanya ada 20 persen penerbangan antara bandara Spanyol dan bandara Eropa lainnya.

Reformasi pasar tenaga kerja pemerintah merupakan yang terbaru dalam serangkaian langkah yang telah diambil Spanyol dua tahun terakhir untuk membuat ekonomi lebih kompetitif. Keraguan tentang keuangan Spanyol telah mendorong pinjaman negara, memaksa pemerintah untuk secara drastis memangkas pengeluaran demi mengurangi defisit.

Pada saat yang sama, pengangguran melejit hingga mencapai angka 23 persen dan ekonomi negara sedang menuju ke resesi kedua dalam tiga tahun terakhir.

Aksi mogok umum tahun 2010 hanya punya dampak yang terbatas, terutama pada transportasi dan manufaktur,  tetapi aksi mogok minggu ini bisa membawa dampak lebih besar karena tingkat pengangguran telah meningkat secara signifikan. Selain itu, tahun 2010 kaum Sosialis yang berkuasa. Sekarang yang berkuasa adalah Partai Rakyat yang berhaluan moderat. Secara tradisional, kaum serikat pekerja telah memiliki aliansi politik dengan kaum Sosialis sehingga protes telah lebih diredam pada masa pemerintahan Sosialis.

Di sebuah negara di mana orang sangat bergantung pada transportasi umum untuk pergi bekerja, serikat pekerja bergantung pada penghentian layanan transportasi untuk mendapatkan dampak maksimal dari sebuah aksi mogok.
05.20 | 0 komentar

Konsol Wii U Akan Hadir dengan Grafis Biasa Saja

Nintendo mengatakan akan membawa konsol mutakhir Wii U miliknya ke dalam perhelatan Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) tahun ini. Terkini, dikatakan bahwa konsol tersebut akan hadir dengan kemampuan grafis yang biasa saja.

Diwartakan Hardware Wii U akan memberikan tampilan visual untuk menghadapi konsol generasi masa kini yang jadi rivalnya. Resolusi dan tekstur yang ditampilkannya tidak akan lebih baik ketimbang yang sudah didukung Xbox 360 atau PlayStation 3.

"Sejauh ini, perangkat kerasnya berada di level yang sama dengan konsol yang kita miliki di generasi masa kini," ujar Marvin Donald ketika mendiskusikan pemakaian developer kit Wii U dengan situs Game Reactor.

"Berdasarkan apa yang saya pahami  tentang resolusi, tekstur, polycounts dan lainnya, kami tidak akan melakukan apapun untuk meningkatkan resolusi game. Tapi kami pasti akan memanfaatkan kontrolernya," tambahnya.

Tentu saja fakta bahwa studio tempat Donald, Vigil Game, tidak meningkatkan kemampuan teknis permainan buatannya belum berarti peningkatan itu mustahil. Terlebih lagi sumber lain bersikeras kemampuan Wii U sekira dua kali lebih cepat ketimbang para pesaingnya. 

Sumber : 
Description: Konsol Wii U Akan Hadir dengan Grafis Biasa Saja Rating: 5
03.05 | 0 komentar

Great Tinnitus Information For Alleviating The Ring

By Wes Vanderschel

There used to be time when silence was really silent for you. However, things changed and now you have this constant ringing in the ear. It just keeps buzzing and interrupting your day. The following article will give you some good advice to help you with living with that buzzing, which is otherwise known as Tinnitus.

A successful technique for dealing with the sound of tinnitus is called partial masking. You find a source of noise which will blend with your tinnitus but not cover it up entirely, like an MP3 of waves or a fan. By playing the sound while your tinnitus is loud you'll get used to the sound in your ears while building a positive emotional reaction to it.

Here is an amazing technique for beating tinnitus when you go to bed at night: close your eyes and tense up your entire body. Starting with your toes, imagine each one relaxing. Move up your feet to your legs and all the way to your head, relaxing the muscles as you pass them. You'll probably fall asleep before you're done.

Keep calm. Tinnitus is not always related to a major health problem, so calm down so that you do not add stress to your troubles. Worrying will only make you focus more on the tinnitus, which will seem to make it worse. Stay calm and relax so that it is easier to think of other things.

Try to stay away from stressful situations. Tinnitus often gets worse when you feel anxious, possibly because of how stress affects your blood flow. Do your best to think about what situations may be stressful in advance, and choose to do something else instead, so that you will stay calm.

Have your doctor or audiologist recommended a support group or forum for you. By sharing some of the issues you are having with tinnitus with others who have the same thing, it could help you alleviate some of the stress you feel from it. You may also learn some coping techniques that others have used to help them get through it.

Try different strategies when trying to go to sleep with tinnitus. Make sure the room you are sleeping in is completely dark. When you lie down, try to think of relaxing things, such as ocean waves or relaxing on a beach after sundown. Keeping your mind occupied with relaxing thoughts will help you fall asleep fast.

If your tinnitus symptoms are new, try not to draw any negative conclusions about what is going on with your body at first. Wait until you visit the doctor and try to remain as calm as possible. The stress and anxiety will cause the symptoms of tinnitus to worsen. Many times the sole cause of tinnitus is worry, stress, and anxiety, so try to keep a positive outlook.

A relaxed body is key to sleeping at night with tinnitus. The more relaxed your body is, the less your tinnitus will bother you when going to bed. Try taking a hot bath and relaxing in the tub for a half hour prior to going to bed and this might just be all you need to get a full nights sleep.

Stick to a strict sleep schedule. Routine is the best medicine for tinnitus sufferers. Get up in the morning and go to bed at night at the same time each day, including holidays and weekends. This may seem redundant, but it is the key to avoid lying in bed at night awake.

Make sure you get plenty of sleep if you are suffering from tinnitus. Chronic fatigue can be a cause of your tinnitus and it can also exasperate the problem. If you have trouble sleeping seek the help of a doctor as your lack of sleep may be the cause of the tinnitus.

You do not have to let that buzzing noise continue to bother you. As the article states, there are things that you can do to help you with it. Whether it is something that will help lower the volume of the noise or something that will help you adjust to hearing it, the suggestions listed will make a difference in your life.

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00.41 | 0 komentar

Watching movies as well as Home Comfort Devices You can buy

By Maria Alvarez

When you find yourself talking about purchasing an electronic digital appliance whether a major electronic digital product a treadmill thought to be a tiny house product to oxygen issue your home or to provide amusement within the house you'll bee trying to find electronics which is available from any Television supplier or from an aura strengthener distributor that includes a many different types of Televisions or perhaps air conditioning available to buy. Investing in a Tv set This kind of in which a TV provider comes in handy. Since lcd Tv sets would be the growth market place along with the prices with the greater models have slipped considerably during the past five years it is a progress industry. Before choosing a tv you have to develop decisions this will let you spending budget planned. Whether it is 1 everyone is going to be observing you may need far more upgrades so every person will enjoy this. If however it's in the 2nd area you can go for a less expensive one particular. Hi-def can be essential in certain parts of the united states as well as a feature you will need to take into account when purchasing a single.

Acquiring Various other Home Entertainment Gadgets

Any TV rep is to try and look in a wide array of television sets and also Dvd and blu-ray gamers that are available in a variety of price points. Such a home entertainment gadgets could be portable or even connected right to your own television set. Your television set may possibly have a built in Dvd and blu-ray participant included in the whole system. They have plenty of choices which may add a considerable charge towards the device. Consequently be sure to understand your financial budget and exactly what features you undoubtedly call for before buying one of these simple products.

Investing in a Tiny Place Air conditioning equipment

An air conditioner supplier could have each portable airconditioners and also screen air conditioners intended to cool off a reduced room. Before deciding one of such alternatives you have to decide the space dimensions like the threshold elevation when you have to keep a entire area cool not just selected spots for the reason that area. You might also need to get a power electric outlet where you would like the system to look. If you need to have it installed by a professional take in which into consideration contained in the cost.

Buying a Whole home Air conditioning equipment

If you're looking for any entire house air conditioner you might need to undergo a heating along with air conditioner organization as sometimes air conditioning equipment distributor will still only sell straight to a heating and also air-con company. This sort of air conditioning unit will be based on significantly about whether or not you currently have ac ducts in your house. If not you need individuals set up before you can continue your entire property air conditioning equipment installing. You are looking at paying thousands of dollars for this form of a / c product so pick very carefully.

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00.38 | 0 komentar

Controlled Labs White Blood - The Advantages Of Using This Sterling Sports Formula

By Danny Sheers

Controlled Labs White Blood is the supplement you should look for if you are in need of nutritional boost. Although there are so many supplements today that can help augment our nutritional needs, our body cannot absorb all them that well. What you will need is a supplement that can deliver the nutrients you have ingest into the muscle tissues and the other vital parts of the system for maximum nutritional uptake. This is where Controlled Labs White Blood comes in. Find out more about its benefits:

Benefit #1: It features an innovative technology called ethyl ester technology. This technology is what sets it apart from all other similar supplements. What makes this technology so promising is that it allows the faster absorption or deliver of nutrients into the muscle cells of the system. That is all thanks to its arginine ethyl ester and ornithine ethyl ester di-hcl content. They work together in rapidly transporting nutrients so you can get extreme pumps.

Benefit #2: It is what you need if you want to improve muscle growth. If you think that your workout routine right now is progressing quickly, you should consider using this supplement. It helps deliver the results you have always wanted quickly.

Benefit #3: It can also help volumize cells. Included in this supplement is an amino acid called Taurine. The free form of Taurine is what you need in effectively synthesizing proteins in the body. With more proteins present in the muscle cells, muscle tissues will grow unceasingly. This is what you need to take your muscle-growing process to the next level.

Benefit #4: It can help hard gainers out there. If you are one of those with issues in gaining mass, you might want to consider giving this supplement a try. It delivers the right forms of carbohydrates into your system so you can gain mass quickly. Aside from that, it helps you get lean body mass, something that can help you build stronger and better-looking muscles in the future.

Benefit #5: It can help speed up the production of human growth hormone. Human growth hormones or HGH also play a vital role in speeding up muscle production. This is why your body needs to have relentless supply and production of HGH.

Benefit #6: It is a supplement that can be easily integrated in your regimen. You do not have to purchase different supplements. That can be really confusing. You can simply opt for a supplement such as this one to enhance nutritional uptake. Just 3 capsules of this supplement can be taken 30-40 minutes before you workout.

It does what it says to do - help you out in building muscles. It contains the right nutrients that will support the distribution of all other vital nutrients. These ingredients will help increase muscle growth and development. They also work together in volumizing muscle cells. You can also benefit from its mass-gaining benefits. You might want to try using this supplement because it can help increase HGH production. At the end of the day, you should stick with a product that is really effective such as Controlled Labs White Blood.

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00.38 | 0 komentar

Take Good Care Of Your Vehicle - Get It Detailed Routinely

By Irma Punt

Everybody likes to drive around in a nice clean car, but not everyone wants to get their car cleaned. You have two choices: clean it by yourself or pay another person to clean it for you. Oftentimes, you may find that your chosen option is to clean it yourself because the cost of having someone else do it is prohibitive. It truly is remarkable how much dirt gets accumulated on your car, both inside and outside. Provided that you get your vehicle washed a couple of times a month that is sufficient, but it is only the beginning of the detailing process. Over the following few paragraphs, we will look at the method you should use to wash your car.

The process of cleaning your car starts and ends with rinsing. To clear away the removable grime, you need to do a complete rinse job, and also to soften up the dirt that has stacked up. Utilizing a hose is the way to go, but you will not be very effective if you don't have the right pressure. To help keep your vehicle protected from potential scratching, keep the water pressure from getting too strong. Detailers choose to have the water flowing freely, above the car, from a hose minus the nozzle. Be careful to exclusively select a cleaner designed for cars instead of what you may have on hand for cleaning around your house. Dish washing soap is way too strong and it will strip off the wax on your car, along with causing scratches.

After you have acquired the cleaner you need, mix it as advised and prepare to wash your car. Use a sponge or some sort of cloth glove that you can dip into the cleaning solution. To safely preserve your car, practice these guidelines prior to moving to the next step. Use an adequate flow of water and cleanser; smaller cars need 3 or 4 buckets while larger ones need 5 or 6. Start on the top of your car and work your way down in sections to help the rinse step to work more effectively.

Next, you will need to thoroughly clean the doors and other vehicle surfaces. In the middle of each part, make sure you do a thorough rinsing. Rinse immediately after utilizing the soap, so that a film is not going to develop, and don't let the suds dry, because they will make an ugly stain. Thoroughly rinse the full car when you have concluded cleaning each section and don't be afraid to use a lot of water to prevent soap stains. If the primary wash doesn't look good enough, then do a second wash.

When detailing, the dirt is not completely removed during the first introductory wash. The subsequent cleaning removes the rest of the dirt; this part of the process represents good detailing.

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00.31 | 0 komentar

Astaga! Ternyata Di Mesir Ada Klub Tukar Menukar Pasangan

Written By Admin on Selasa, 27 Maret 2012 | 16.50

Diketahui dari pihak berwenang Mesir menangkap pasangan suami-istri yang membuat halaman di Facebook klub tukar-menukar pasangan.

Tersangka Tersangka Pasangan Mesir pembuat halaman Facebook tukar-menukar istri tersebut menghadapi ancaman penjara setelah polisi mengirim seorang agen polisi pria dan wanita yang berpura-pura tertarik dengan perkumpulan itu demi menyusup ke kelompok mereka.

Para wakil petugas kepolisian di negara mayoritas Muslim itu, di mana seks diluar perkawinan adalah ilegal, menerima informasi bahwa beberapa pasangan telah menjadi anggota halaman Facebook yang muncul untuk mengatur pertukaran bagi pasangan menikah.

Kedua petugas yang menyamar tersebut bertemu dengan pasangan itu awal suatu pagi di kota Giza tapi segera mereka setuju untuk bertemu di sebuah tempat dimana kemudian polisi bergerak dan melakukan penangkapan. Sang suami, seorang akuntan, dan istrinya, seorang kepala pembibitan, telah memiliki seorang putri berusia empat tahun.

Keduanya berusia 30 tahun dan telah menikah selama lima tahun. Menurut pihak berwenang Mesir pria itu mengaku mendapat ide setelah melihat sebuah halaman yang sama yang didirikan oleh seorang pria Qatar enam bulan lalu.

Dia menyarankan hal itu kepada istrinya dan istrinya menyambut gagasan itu. Pada tahun 2009, pengadilan Kairo menghukum penjara seorang pria tujuh tahun dan istrinya tiga tahun untuk mendirikan klub pertukaran pasangan Sebuah undang-undang Mesir tahun 1961 memungkinkan tersangka untuk dituntut karena dengan tuduhan melakukan prostitusi bahkan jika tidak ada uang yang dipertukarkan.
16.50 | 0 komentar

Ini Dia Lagu Iwak Peyek Versi Band Inggris[VIDEO]

Lagu iwak peyek yang sempat menghebohkan musisi di indonesia kini semakin menambah jajaran kontroversi. iwak peyek yang ngetrend gara gara sering dinyanyikan di acara OVJ (Opera Van java) Juga dibikin versi Indonesia dari Trio macan.Sebelumnya Lagu Iwak peyek adalah lagu para bonek mania yang sering dilantunkan saat membela tim persebaya surabaya. Selanjutnya Orkes Melayu sagita dan Orkes melayu lainnya juga ikut membuat versi iwak peyek dengan nada berbeda.

Namun tadi mendapat berita yang mencengangkan ternyata ada nada iwak peyek yang dibawakan oleh band Cock Sparrer dari inggris. Di Video youtube telah di upload tahun 2009. Menurut sumber berita Iwak peyek ciptaan bonek ini dibuat oleh abah imron keluar thn 2007-an.

Yang menjadi pertanyaan sekarang sebenarnya lagu iwak peyek ini asli bikinan indonesia para bonek mania, Apakah Band luar Jiplak Lagu Ini?

Untuk membuktikan dengarkan video ini :

08.55 | 0 komentar

Enemy Graph Aplikasi Facebook Untuk Manambahkan Musuh

Malam ini  saya share imformasi saja ya lagi malas nulis jadi copas saja, snipers pasti semua punya akun facebook kalau ga punya, ga bisa ngasih komen di blog ini dong. 

langsung saja ada berita terbaru dari jejaring facebook katanya Facebook membuat Apikasi untuk list musuh namanya Enemy Graph hmmmm apa yah penasaran kita simak  aja yuukk beritanya.

Suka atau tidak suka, Facebook adalah tempat yang positif. Pasalnya, di jejaring sosial ini orang bisa memberi label "Like", bisa menambah daftar teman, tapi tidak bisa menambahkan daftar musuh.

Tapi sekarang semua berubah. Sebuah aplikasi baru bernama Enemy Graph membuat pengguna Facebook, bisa menambahkan Enemies (musuh) ke dalam profilnya. Demikian diwartakan Dailymail, Selasa

Lewat aplikasi ini, pengguna bisa memasukkan orang dari daftar teman ataupun dari sesama pengguna aplikasi. Selain itu juga bisa mendeklarasikan perang pada  produk atau perusahaan apapun yang ada di Facebook.

Segera setelah mendeklarasikan seseorang atau sesuatu sebagai musuh, mereka akan muncul dalam Enemy list di profil, dan bisa terlihat oleh sesama pengguna aplikasi.

EnemyGraph tersebut merupakan upaya untuk lebih jauh lagi menentukan hubungan, antara pengguna dan unsur lainnya di dalam social graph milik Facebook.
Kebanyakan jejaring sosial berusaha untuk menghubungkan orang berdasarkan minat. Misalnya band, film, atau tim olahraga tertentu. 

Tapi orang juga terhubung dan termotivasi oleh hal-hal yang tidak mereka sukai," terang Dean Terry dari University of Texas sekaligus pencipta aplikasi tersebut.

Hmmhm kayanya bisa dicoba nih aplikasinya buat nglist musuh musuh kita  kereeen hehe

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Description: Enemy Graph Aplikasi Facebook Untuk Manambahkan Musuh Rating: 5
08.32 | 0 komentar

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