A Useful Guide To Deciding On A Telescope

Written By Admin on Kamis, 26 Januari 2012 | 00.33

By Samson Smythe

There is nothing better than the night sky! But even better is having everything brought hundreds of times closer to you so that you can see it in all its glory. Well that's the benefits that a telescope will offer you!

If you are going to buy your own telescope then one thing that's important to understand is that you are probably going to be better off going for the most expensive model that you can. Smaller, cheaper scopes will certainly get you started but don't expect too much! If you are gonna go cheap on a telescope then you might be better off buying some binoculars. Cheap telescopes will often provide a poor viewing experience and distorted images.

We would recommend that you start looking at a price range of around four to eight hundred dollars and consider a 60mm refractor telescope if you are just getting started, you will be impressed with what you'll be able to see. Over and above that price point you can start to look at higher quality and high tech telescopes that are motorized or even computer controlled so they can track stars and constellations.

A telescopes magnification is often a big consideration for many people but you need to bear in mind that bigger magnification capabilities on cheaper telescopes is almost useless. There is still a lot to be seen with a smaller magnification of say 32. You will be able to see some great detail on the moon on a good viewing night, plus see Jupiter, Saturn and the rings. The image will be quite small, but crisp and sharp. 50x really should be your lowest consideration as this will offer some superb detail plus a very clear, stable viewing experience.

Even better than that is the one hundred times magnification range, although the fact still remains that a more basic telescope is unable to properly handle the higher magnification and will result in a dim image and is likely to be affected by the atmosphere. After a hot day for example over cities the heat rises and can cause your telescope image to 'swim' in and out of focus. A high magnification will accentuate this problem. If you are buying a cheaper telescope then the highest magnification is not going to always be the best option.

What's the difference between refractors and reflectors?

A reflector scope uses a primary mirror and a secondary mirror to bounce the light that comes through the lens. It's a very simple concept and therefore cheaper to buy. A 4.5" reflector would be considered a good 'starting' scope.

A refractor scope is the most commonly thought of, but unlike the reflector scope, it does not have an open end, it's a sealed tube! There is a lens at one end that concentrates the light straight into the eyepiece on the scope body. You will normally find the refractor will be a better performer and 60mm is a good size to get started with.

We would recommend going to a specialist store to find your perfect telescope plus it's well worth looking online as you will find some great deals and at great prices, the main thing is to research the model that you intend on purchasing.

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