A Healthy Diet Equals A Healthy You

Written By Admin on Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012 | 01.25

By Brenda Fay

Regardless of your individual health you are no doubt well aware that following a healthy diet will prevent a number of various illnesses. Your selection of food to eat, and even your choices of what not to eat, have a marked affect on your blood pressure and overall health. Similarly, should you lose or gain weight that change will have a great deal to do with your blood pressure.

Many people who have not been able to successfully lose weight and have tried the fad commercial diets only to fail again and again almost always underestimate the number of calories they consume on a daily basis. So the problem becomes one of knowledge; you won't be able to successfully lose weight without knowing how many calories you are already eating. And so the all important first step to any diet is to first understand how many calories your current eating habits provide.

The best way to accomplish this is to keep a food diary for a week or so. If you are accurate about recording everything you eat or drink you will begin to see the real story about how much you eat. Once you have a better understanding of how much you eat each day you can begin to put methods in place to help you begin to reduce. This diary may well show that only a few things need attention.

Obviously the food choices we make all affect us one way or another For example, salt is just terrible for some but not at all for others. The challenge is that no one can tell you if salt is bad for you or not until after you have high blood pressure or heart problems. It is a very good idea to limit your salt intake all the time.

Key to reducing salt is to avoid most canned foods because salt (sodium) is a frequently used preservative In fact, most of the processed foods on the market are very liberal in their use of salt both for preservation and flavoring. But other diet choices are very good for your health Just one example is fresh fruits and vegetables both of which are loaded with nutrients and soluble fiber.

Only a few of the vegetables that need to be on your menu include Carrots, Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, and Tomatoes.

Adding these fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet couldn't be easier. All these fruits and vegetables, and many more, can be part of your daily meal plans simply by incorporating smoothies Smoothies are the perfect way to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into you daily meal plan without a lot of fuss and bother.

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