The Place Of A Consultant Pharmacist In The World Of Medicine

Written By Admin on Kamis, 01 November 2012 | 01.26

By Juliette Cruz

Drugs are very harmful when mishandled and used wrongly. Patients are supposed to receive the correct medication from a specialist. These specialists are always informed and have the right information about a drug. Such a specialist is referred to as a consultant pharmacist. They are in high demand since patients increase daily. Pharmacists educate their patients on the harm of carelessly using drugs. They mainly focus on the elderly and the young since they get sick easily.

The idea of consultation pharmacy originated from nursing home environment when a group of pioneering pharmacists decided to focus on improving the use of medication in hospitals. These came out to be very productive since it reduced complains and cases of drug poisoning. Individuals where taken through a process of education and training on how to use drugs. They were also informed of the dangers that can be caused by different drugs. Manufacturers were also asked to provide information on how the drug should be administered. It was made possible since they gave an accompanying paper with little information about the drug.

Pharmacists were only allowed to work in companies and chemists. This was due to the small number of professionals at that time. As time moved their number increased rapidly. They could now be found in hospitals and nursing homes. They could examine a patient and prescribe the right dosage for them. They were also in a position to open their own organizations and firms. Patients were able to visit them in their offices to receive medication. These medics were not allowed to inject a patient but could only prescribe and refer them to nurses and doctors.

Consultant pharmacists also work in manufacturing companies. They measure the correct amount of a substance required in a drug. They are able to determine what amount is fit for an aged person and a child. They are also used prescribe the dosage supposed to be given to a patient. These retail specialists are also able to monitor a patient who is under a certain medication. They are allowed to discontinue the medication and prescribe another type of medication. They also determine the amount of antibiotic to be taken by a patient. These specialists are always important in determining the amount of dose taken in cases of poisoning.

Pharmacists today are allowed to associate with patients and examine them openly. The number of patients has increased hence more specialists are required. They are always noticed through their commitment and determination. Community services also provide employment to these people.

Pharmacists have to be recognized by the board of medics through having a certificate that contains there stamp. This is always done since the life and health of patients is important. Caution has to be taken when dealing with ones life. They are also supposed to meet the code of ethics for one to be allowed to handle patients. These individuals have to be healthy in order to deal with patients.

Patients have the right to report pharmacists who prescribe the wrong medication for them. They have a right to receive correct medication. Pharmacists should ensure that any medication given to the patients is correct and should be written down. This will be of help since they can be responsible of anything that will happen afterwards.

A Consultant pharmacist provides the right information and medication to their clients. They give them what is best for them and are always happy when their patients are back to their good health. They as well advice their clients on how to keep healthy always. This is a quick and first way of receiving medication.

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