Comparing Android and Apple's iOS

Written By Admin on Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013 | 01.22

By Jack Daren

Mobile devices are essential to so many people nowadays, for taking photos, using apps and some people even make phone calls on them. This is a comparison between iphones and android devices.

Good Looks

First up in the iOS v Android battle is the general look and feel of the systems. In terms of appearance, there is a significant difference between the two, Apple has icons for apps and basic functions in grid form, while Android has a limitless customisable face with widgets taking up as much room as you choose, alongside the operating system's basic functions. This, for example, allows you to see your inbox on the main screen, something not available on iOS. However, if you prefer a simple grid lay out on each screen; iOS is king here, though both systems allow you to drop apps into folders for clearer navigation.

The Battle of Layouts

One of the biggest differences between iOS and Android is Apple's orderly layout, compared to Google's more anarchic philosophy, which allows individuality in each handset. Having such diversity can seem unfriendly to new users, something which Samsung combats with its "Easy Screen" mode, giving the user a selection of the more basic options like news and weather, while the "Direct Call" feature means you can make a call by simply lifting the handset to your ear when looking at the individual's details.


The other major difference between the two systems is how they use software. The S3's features are Google made, allowing them to reign over the well-used likes of Gmail and YouTube. IOS leave these in the hands of software developers, resulting in the debacle of its non-functioning maps app. Android also has the handy Google Now which second guesses your query before you've searched for it.

The Battle of Design

A casual conclusion when looking at differences in materials would be to say the iPhone is the superior product, being made from aluminium and glass, while the S3 is mostly plastic, but that would be simplistic. The S3's biggest selling point is its 4.8" screen, giving it the edge over the iPhone's rectangular view. Both are however, beautifully designed.

The Battle of Weight - Tale of the Tape

Both weigh around the same, the iPhone at 116g is a fraction lighter than the S3's 133g. Similarly, the S3's processor (quad core) is not noticeably superior to the iPhones dual core.

The Battle of Battery Life

The iPhone has a very negligible edge in terms of battery life and both boast accessories which combine an extra battery within a sleeve.

The Battle of Recording

Whilst both record in HD, Samsung's S Voice has more flaws than Apple's Siri, although the S3's does have "Smart Stay", which keeps the screen on when the camera on the front detects the user facing it, though it is inconsistent. Both are available in 4G.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The S3 is an open and rewarding product, with many options to keep the user fascinated, however for some, this can be confusing. The iPhone on the other hand is tidy and graceful, less rewarding but easier to master.

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