Gigi Hill network marketing reps: Forget chasing friends and family. Learn how 7-figure earners build huge businesses using tactics rarely taught at live events and on Gigi Hill webinars. If you wish to become a top earner, you need a way to promote to thousands of people- not just to the small number of friends and family network marketers are taught to approach. You absolutely need to learn the #1 skill of all top earners: marketing to massive numbers of people at a time. Read the rest of this article to learn several strategies top 2% earners are using to build large and lucrative businesses:
- Drive Lots Of Traffic
Brick and mortar stores rely on people who come into the store. The more store visitors, the more money the store makes. Your Gigi Hill business will function the same way. The more website visitors to your internet site, the more leads you are likely to generate.
Attracting a larger number of Gigi Hill leads will result in more sales volume. The top earners in network marketing attract more leads than almost everyone else. It's not uncommon for a top earner in network marketing to attract 40-125 leads every day.
Typical Gigi Hill reps attract 0-3 leads in a day. What does it take to generate a lot of traffic and leads fro your Gigi Hill business?
Start by focusing one only one traffic generation tactic. You can get traffic from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Google or many other sources. Master one form of traffic until you have twenty leads per day coming in. Only then should you add another source of traffic.
New marketers get in over their head by taking on too much, too fast. This is a huge mistake. They get frustrated and quit. Only pursue one traffic strategy at first.
- Define Your Target Market
Once you've identified your ideal target audience for your Gigi Hill venture, setting up your marketing gets a lot easier. Figure out:
- Who is the ideal target market for your Gigi Hill opportunity?
- What major problems do they have?
- What can you provide that solves those needs?
- What websites does your target audience visit frequently?
You can fine-tune your marketing and create much bigger results after you've clarified who is your ideal audience. Figuring out who is your target market clarifies how you must market. You can easily decide what your blog posts, videos and emails should focus on.
Most people in ventures such as Gigi Hill go after the wrong people! They go after people who are broke and in desperate financial condition. Stay away from people with no money.
The ideal target market for your Gigi Hill opportunity is likely to be struggling network marketers in other companies. Networkers already understand the network marketing business model.
Create marketing that teaches networkers how to solve their problems, such as how to increase retention or spark more duplication. Create marketing that positions you as a leader. A portion of your audience will seek you out to join your Gigi Hill venture.
- Promote More Than Your Competitors Do
A straightforward way to become a top Gigi Hill earner is to simply market more than other people. How well you execute the basic network marketing skills such as recruiting and closing will have an effect on your income.
But you should know the amount of your activities makes as much of a difference, or more than, how skillfully you complete each activity. Promoting far more than others means generating more web traffic and generating more leads on a daily basis than other marketers.
If you use videos and articles to generate traffic and leads for your business, then publish more articles and videos than everybody else. If you're relying on advertising for your Gigi Hill opportunity, then place more ads in more places than everybody else.
Do webinars once or twice weekly, if webinars are part of your strategy. Don't conduct a webinar just occasionally. Out-promoting the competition means sending an email broadcast with beneficial tactics (and a call to action!) to your list every single day. Not occasionally. Every day!
Outproduce the competition in Gigi Hill by putting up more marketing content than everybody else. If you attract more traffic, generate more leads, and do more presentations than your competition, you'll almost definitely earn more than the Gigi Hill competition.
- Drive Lots Of Traffic
Brick and mortar stores rely on people who come into the store. The more store visitors, the more money the store makes. Your Gigi Hill business will function the same way. The more website visitors to your internet site, the more leads you are likely to generate.
Attracting a larger number of Gigi Hill leads will result in more sales volume. The top earners in network marketing attract more leads than almost everyone else. It's not uncommon for a top earner in network marketing to attract 40-125 leads every day.
Typical Gigi Hill reps attract 0-3 leads in a day. What does it take to generate a lot of traffic and leads fro your Gigi Hill business?
Start by focusing one only one traffic generation tactic. You can get traffic from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Google or many other sources. Master one form of traffic until you have twenty leads per day coming in. Only then should you add another source of traffic.
New marketers get in over their head by taking on too much, too fast. This is a huge mistake. They get frustrated and quit. Only pursue one traffic strategy at first.
- Define Your Target Market
Once you've identified your ideal target audience for your Gigi Hill venture, setting up your marketing gets a lot easier. Figure out:
- Who is the ideal target market for your Gigi Hill opportunity?
- What major problems do they have?
- What can you provide that solves those needs?
- What websites does your target audience visit frequently?
You can fine-tune your marketing and create much bigger results after you've clarified who is your ideal audience. Figuring out who is your target market clarifies how you must market. You can easily decide what your blog posts, videos and emails should focus on.
Most people in ventures such as Gigi Hill go after the wrong people! They go after people who are broke and in desperate financial condition. Stay away from people with no money.
The ideal target market for your Gigi Hill opportunity is likely to be struggling network marketers in other companies. Networkers already understand the network marketing business model.
Create marketing that teaches networkers how to solve their problems, such as how to increase retention or spark more duplication. Create marketing that positions you as a leader. A portion of your audience will seek you out to join your Gigi Hill venture.
- Promote More Than Your Competitors Do
A straightforward way to become a top Gigi Hill earner is to simply market more than other people. How well you execute the basic network marketing skills such as recruiting and closing will have an effect on your income.
But you should know the amount of your activities makes as much of a difference, or more than, how skillfully you complete each activity. Promoting far more than others means generating more web traffic and generating more leads on a daily basis than other marketers.
If you use videos and articles to generate traffic and leads for your business, then publish more articles and videos than everybody else. If you're relying on advertising for your Gigi Hill opportunity, then place more ads in more places than everybody else.
Do webinars once or twice weekly, if webinars are part of your strategy. Don't conduct a webinar just occasionally. Out-promoting the competition means sending an email broadcast with beneficial tactics (and a call to action!) to your list every single day. Not occasionally. Every day!
Outproduce the competition in Gigi Hill by putting up more marketing content than everybody else. If you attract more traffic, generate more leads, and do more presentations than your competition, you'll almost definitely earn more than the Gigi Hill competition.
About the Author:
Ricardo Interpemian has educated thousands of business owners how to grow businesses like Gigi Hill.
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