Army Surplus Stores Have What You Need

Written By Admin on Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013 | 01.09

By Ladonna Chambers

If you are ever looking for anything with a military flair or even old military equipment then the Army Surplus store is where you should look first. They will almost always have a large variety of military supplies. Usually the people who run these stores will have a background or a history of military service.

People may wonder why you can make a better profit with these items versus other so-called normal items but it is simple. When you open a normal store, say a liquor store or a toy store. Everything that you buy to make up your inventory is bought from a supplier and it is bought brand new. That is because no one who shops at these places is in the market for used items.

People sometimes are surprised by the things they see at these sales but they really shouldn't be. The military uses many of the same things that are used in the civilian world. Things like office supplies, desks, stationary, vehicles, and various tools. The Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force all have to use various office equipment too and it gets old just like it does for everyone else.

The government gets rid of things considered "unfit for military use" all the time and they do so in large auctions or sales. When they do you can buy almost anything from old office supplies to tools, weapons, and even vehicles like a 2 ton flatbed truck or a half track tank. Just make sure you have the room for it.

The same also goes for things that you might not consider you would be able to buy at these sales. Things like office supplies and stationary too. The military uses many of the same things that are used in the civilian world and after some time they get to the point where they need new ones too. So when they do, you can buy the old ones at a great discount.

Running a business like this is a great way to make a living, especially if you are now doing something that you have always wanted to do. If you are someone who is just in the market for something then of course these are great places to look for items that you might need. Even though the owner might be making a good profit margin, the items they sell are still a deal.

This is true as well for items that are purchased that are not in perfect working order. For example they could get a good deal on a bunch of gas masks that could be missing a small slip on the strap. The clips could be easily repaired and then they can be resold and marked up at a decent amount and sold for a good profit.

There are a number of great things to find at an Army Surplus store for both the customer and the owner alike. Many of these such items can be resold by the customer too if they so desire. There have been a lot of these items that people sometimes resell on ebay or elsewhere on the Internet. It all depends on what people are looking for.

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