How To Seal The Epoxy Pebblestone Properly

Written By Admin on Selasa, 24 September 2013 | 01.38

By Marla Mills

The epoxy pebblestone is one of the many flooring types available in the market these days. This is one of those flooring types that are often used in patios and bathroom floors. With the said flooring type installed in one's home, it should be easy to gain a zen-like experience even if the person is just at home.

It is easy to take advantage of this flooring, especially since it is the kind of project that the homeowner can do personally. With this project, what the homeowner just needs are the pebblestones, hardener, resin, mineral oil spirits, and trowel. The homeowner will need to lay down the pebblestones well, and this can be done without any difficulties.

After that, one will need to do pressure washing for the flooring once it has been properly laid down. The surface cleaner will be used after the pressure washing. It is necessary to use the surface cleaner to seal the flooring properly. It allows the surface to be kept intact. It also provides the shiny coating that one wants to have.

Remember that there are some things that the homeowner will have to prepare when doing the sealing of the said surface. The homeowner will need to prepare some protection wear such as a face mask, a pair of goggles, and a pair of vinyl gloves. There is also a need for acid detergent, solvent based acrylic sealer, surface cleaner, and mixture of sodium hypochlorite and high-alkaline detergent.

With the said project, the person will obviously be dealing with the acid detergents. That is why the risk of getting chemical burns or injuries is quite high. To make sure to significantly decrease or eliminate the dangers, it is essential for the person to wear the appropriate protective gears that one has prepared beforehand. Wear long sleeves and pants too.

Starting off with the acid detergent, the person should pour it on the surface evenly. Immediately go over it with a surface cleaner. The nozzle of the surface cleaner should help keep it even. It will also prevent any damages to the pebblestones. Be sure to have the entire surface covered properly.

Use the mix of high-alkaline and sodium hypochlorite detergent. Like the others, one will have to make sure that this is applied evenly. After that, apply a coat of the surface cleaner too. This will remove mildew, mold, and dirt. Once done, what the person needs to do is to let it sit for an entire 24-hour period.

The person will then have to apply one coat of the solvent-based clear acrylic sealer. The trowel should do well for this. Let the sealer dry according to the instructions on the label. Apply it for a second time to make the seal stronger. Of course, let the application dry according to the instructions on the label.

If the homeowner can do the said steps properly, one can expect a good result out of this. There should be a lot of things that the homeowner can take advantage with this. Just make sure to make the right choices when dealing with the epoxy pebblestone as the homeowner's flooring.

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