Christians have told the stories of miracles since time in memorial. The Old Testament contains numerous tales of extraordinary happenings where God revealed himself to His people. The New Testament has a collection of events about what God did to or for His people. They are aimed at skeptics of the bible who still find it hard to believe.
There are different reasons why miracle stories exist. Besides showing that God controls the universe, they show how helpless or limited human beings are in this world. It is impossible to imagine the extent to which God goes to prove his authority over human kind. He does so through super natural acts that cannot be explained in ordinary terms. This causes humankind to be humble in the presence of God.
The wonders do not only happen to believers. There are accounts of non-believers who have turned to God because of the wonders he did in their lives. For believers, it is as a result of continuous prayer that God intervenes on their behalf. Non believers receive extraordinary intervention that brings them closer to God. The wonders usually happen directly in their lives or is connected to their family, loved ones or work.
The Old Testament has numerous tales of miraculous happenings directed by God to the people of Israel. Among the notable ones are his delivery of people from Egypt into the Promised Land. It took seven wonders to cause pharaoh to release the children of Israel. Parting of the Red Sea so that they may pass was a miracle that they will never forget.
The New Testament tells of miracles that were done by Jesus when he walked and worked on earth. His followers picked up the trend and continued this great work. The first record of a miracle by Jesus was at the Cana of Galilee during a wedding when they run short of wine. He converted the water that was available and made the best wine they ever had tasted. Jesus feeding five thousand people using two fish and five loaves was the other miracle that is prominent in this testament. Many people got healing and others rose from the dead.
The apostles of Jesus continued with the miraculous work after His death. They were given the power of the Holy Spirit to aid them in their work. They would heal people by touching or when their shadows fell on them as they walked on the streets. Present day preachers are still doing wonders in Jesus name.
Miracles continue to happen in present day life. People have reported healing and provision through prayer of performing acts of charity. Others have told of miraculous escape during accidents that can only be attributed to the hand of God. There are tales of unexplained delays that saved people from accidents and tragedies like the 9/11. These happenings can only be explained as the work of God.
The stories of miracles are used to tell of the wonders of God in life. He reveals His might through the wonders. It takes a strong believer to experience a miracle.
There are different reasons why miracle stories exist. Besides showing that God controls the universe, they show how helpless or limited human beings are in this world. It is impossible to imagine the extent to which God goes to prove his authority over human kind. He does so through super natural acts that cannot be explained in ordinary terms. This causes humankind to be humble in the presence of God.
The wonders do not only happen to believers. There are accounts of non-believers who have turned to God because of the wonders he did in their lives. For believers, it is as a result of continuous prayer that God intervenes on their behalf. Non believers receive extraordinary intervention that brings them closer to God. The wonders usually happen directly in their lives or is connected to their family, loved ones or work.
The Old Testament has numerous tales of miraculous happenings directed by God to the people of Israel. Among the notable ones are his delivery of people from Egypt into the Promised Land. It took seven wonders to cause pharaoh to release the children of Israel. Parting of the Red Sea so that they may pass was a miracle that they will never forget.
The New Testament tells of miracles that were done by Jesus when he walked and worked on earth. His followers picked up the trend and continued this great work. The first record of a miracle by Jesus was at the Cana of Galilee during a wedding when they run short of wine. He converted the water that was available and made the best wine they ever had tasted. Jesus feeding five thousand people using two fish and five loaves was the other miracle that is prominent in this testament. Many people got healing and others rose from the dead.
The apostles of Jesus continued with the miraculous work after His death. They were given the power of the Holy Spirit to aid them in their work. They would heal people by touching or when their shadows fell on them as they walked on the streets. Present day preachers are still doing wonders in Jesus name.
Miracles continue to happen in present day life. People have reported healing and provision through prayer of performing acts of charity. Others have told of miraculous escape during accidents that can only be attributed to the hand of God. There are tales of unexplained delays that saved people from accidents and tragedies like the 9/11. These happenings can only be explained as the work of God.
The stories of miracles are used to tell of the wonders of God in life. He reveals His might through the wonders. It takes a strong believer to experience a miracle.
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