Everyday Information On Spill Containment Berms

Written By Admin on Rabu, 30 April 2014 | 01.27

By Tracie Knight

Lately anywhere around the world there will be some form of oil spill at sea or even in land. Now and again you will hear of a tragic ferry or maritime disaster that has some form of oil or liquid pollution involved. When this happens, spill containment berms are used to contain the spill, in cases spanning several miles.

Berms have been existence since man learned how to construct things. They have been used as gutter channels and guides in irrigation projects by American Indians long ago and also have been in use by people in the medieval ages. They are very useful in guiding and containing waste material, whether liquid or not.

Due to the many different kinds of spills and such nowadays, there are specialized berms for each and every type of spills. Spills can be categorized in terms of viscosity and toxicity, and thus there will be a suitable or adaptable containment design for each of these types of spills. The most common one would probably see are big non porous sheets of a material either in rectangular or square form with the necessary raised embankments on the four sides.

Envision in your mind a very shallow pool for children raised a very few inches from the ground. This are basically what they are. Low and shallow embankment berms are usually designed for high impact situations and are very durable. These are usually the kinds you will see in at an oil spill on the road. Mainly these are used for leaks occurring from chemical trucks and fuel trucks wherein they are placed underneath the tank or carriage, which can occur when discharging operations take place.

The walling for these units used for roadside containment should have an open cell foam interior. This kind of foam and construction will see the wall spring back to its original shape as soon as something passes over it like a vehicle tire. This is very much needed in roadside applications.

Square and rectangular designs and outlays are most commonly used for flat even surfaces. But spills do not only occur on very even surfaces. They can basically occur anywhere and this can include rough and uneven surfaces of differing porosity and the like. Thus there are berms created and designed for these more unique elevations with more flexible matting and custom made connectors for interior walling and embankments.

Those with better construction and much more special functions are made of very liquid tight material. These materials, even when exposed to sharp and uneven terrain, such as rocks and gravel rich ground, do not easily become cracked or pierced. They can actually adapt to the surface making it easier for controlling whatever it is you are trying to control. Also these materials are ecology friendly and will bio degrade in the long run, so there is no need for fretting over their proper disposal and if it will affect the environment or not.

When looking for people or companies selling these, they are usually listed under spill control supplies or emergency control supplies. It is just a matter of surfing through the internet to get to a supplier near you, or if you lack connectivity, you can always use the age old Yellow Pages.

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