Useful Career Advice For Graduates

Written By Admin on Senin, 13 Oktober 2014 | 01.40

By Estelle Larsen

Graduation is not the end of learning but simply a continuation with a different type of learning required for success in the workplace. A graduate often does not feel ready for entering the work place. This is why career advice for graduates is important. They need to see the growth of a career as part of an ongoing process of growth.

Employers want to know how an employee will benefit the company and usually regard experience is vital. In this situation, a graduate often wonders how it is possible to gain the experience required to get the job. It is important to remember that any way to get a foot in the door, whether this is interning or even volunteering, opens up possibilities for the future.

Taking a job just to pay the bills is not the best option. Long hours may have to be worked and it is difficult to do this without a passion for the job. No company wants en employee who is just there for the money and hates the job.

Once in a job, it is important for graduates to learn new skills as efficiently as possible and also to demonstrate particular assets to employers. This inevitably results in more important projects coming their way and they become valuable to the company. As long as a job adds to skills, creates challenges and results in growth, it is worthwhile.

Today, employees do not remain for all their working years with one company in one position as they did in the past. People change jobs, positions and even countries in pursuit of growth. Competition is fiercer than ever before with high levels of unemployment. When choosing careers, it is important to pursue aspirations and make use of assets but it also has to be based on market realities.

Many careers today benefit from a network of relationships. A graduate needs to proactively work at building up such a network. These relationships are beneficial in finding new opportunities and sharing information and resources. It is also helpful for a graduate to find a mentor or even more than one who has already achieved success and can provide guidance along the way.

Another good idea is to have an online presence. A website in the name of the person where all relevant information can be posted is very helpful to any employers. This profile can then be accessed to determine education, skills and even examples of projects completed are made available.

Those who are prepared to take risks have more chance of becoming successful. Taking intelligent risks does include a chance of failure but this is seen as part of the process of moving forward. Playing it safe in a constantly changing world can actually be more risky. Those who are willing to take risks are often those have the most success. Managing a career is a lifelong process and to move forward, one needs something that sets one apart and makes one indispensable.

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