Why We Should Give Public Safety Priority

Written By Admin on Rabu, 03 Juni 2015 | 01.25

By Ericka Marsh

Do you ever want to wake up in the morning and not have to worry about going out to the convenience store and coming back home safe and sound. Have you ever just wanted to move to some place safer. Somewhere that isn't Queens. We know how you feel.

Today, we will be talking about economic growth among other things. How public safety Queens plays a very important role in the society in relation to this is simple. The more businesses there are in a community, the better chances of it growing economically which is true for the most part. But how can a society attract businesses to its doorsteps when their streets are not even safe for its own residents.

Due to this fact, businesses and potential investors do not want to have anything to do with the city. Safety is essential in doing businesses as any businessman or woman would point out. All the more reason why we should prioritize public safety in the community.

But public safety is not enough. Sure, catching criminals is good but putting these hooligans behind bars is a thing of the past now kind of, what with all the crime still going around. We need a new system. One that is highly effective so we can finally wave goodbye to our sad predicament.

Drug abuse or any other illegal drug related crime has reached to undeniably great lengths and heights. A global issue we should all be well aware of and fight to end. Drug use, abuse, and drug pushing have claimed the lives of many and is most prominent in some cities. Sadly, one of those cities is our own and merely catching criminals is just not enough anymore.

As we have been informed, the ongoing crime strings in Queens is a result of drug related activities. These said druglords have taken up residence in the citys empty lots and abandoned buildings which are prominent in some areas. An issue which not only proves to be a problem to us here in Queens but as well as the rest of the world. This also has proved to be quite the handful for our police force.

But by ensuring potential investors the public safety of their businesses in Queens, we can have a better chance at economic growth. By showing them that the city can be an ideal place to start a business in or expand an empire in, we can most assuredly look to a better tomorrow and a better community. Especially, for the children.

By funding safe and affordable high quality homes in these said empty lots, the government can secure future investments in these areas. Allowing for a better community to flourish. Not to mention, a significant decrease in the crime rate.

But the most important upside of public safety priority is we can finally relax and be able to enjoy a better life, and finally get to go home to our families with smiles on our faces. We will finally be able to roam the streets at night free from fear of getting mugged or robbed. We will finally get home safely by the end of the day.

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