Businesses Use Atlanta Interactive Marketing Because It Is Effective

Written By Admin on Selasa, 03 Mei 2016 | 02.05

By Benjamin W. Luffkin

The usual direct marketing is different from interactive marketing. The interactive version is capable of reacting to how potential customers responded to previous advertising. It is said to have two to a dozen times as much impact. The atlanta interactive marketing is proving to be quite lucrative.

This new concept can be referred to as trigger based or event driven. Both allow the advertiser to react directly to a potential customers response when he reads it. He can respond quickly.

Ordinarily, if a potential customer asks about something that is advertised, it elicits a direct response from you, the advertiser. Your response is trying to stop them from shopping at another site. You do not want them to leave your site.

A potential customer making an inquiry will be responded to as fast as possible. This stops him from moving on to a competitors website. You want to keep him on your website.

An example of this type of advertising is the way Amazon uses past visitor behavior. They collect and save the names of books customers order. Then they follow up by emailing out suggested reading, which is an effective way to solicit more book orders.

If someone bought several cookbooks, they receive an email when new cookbooks are published. Advertising is not sent to Harley Davidson bikers. They know that non-profit organizations are not buying books.

Instead of sending descriptions of the latest cookbook to the general public, they target people who have bought a cookbook at one time. It is not effective to send cookbook ads to people who do not like to cook. They know that past behavior is indicative of future behavior, that is, buying another cookbook.

This new marketing does have a few drawbacks. A sales campaign cannot be launched by just anyone. It requires a person who understands the tactics. They will only target the most likely consumers. Other recipients might be annoyed when they get twenty ads showing new dresses after they ordered one dress.

It can be annoying to be flooded with ads. It may even be viewed as a form of online stalking. The recipient may think she should have time to wear the two pair she bought before ordering more new ones.

An advertising firm can use this marketing tool. Some use surveys to compile data and analyze it. This works best when offering new products that correlate with the ones already purchased. For example, a woman who orders a blouse online may be interested in the matching skirt.

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