How To Achieve Quality Auto Sound In A Car Stereo System

Written By Admin on Jumat, 01 Juli 2016 | 00.27

By Sarah Stewart

When it comes to installing stereo systems in your automobile, you should choose quality equipment. These include subwoofers, speakers, car alarms and amplifiers. You can enlist a company that specializes in installing audio systems. The company should be reputable and experienced. The following guidelines will help you to achieve quality auto sound systems.

The first step in upgrading the stereo system of your car is to replace the speakers. Manufacturers pay less attention to speakers when designing and assembling a car. Most inbuilt stereo systems vehicles are of low quality and prone to noise defects. As an automobile owner, you require speakers that produce top notch sounds. You will notice a difference in the bass and audio clarity after replacing the speakers.

Another way of improving resonance output is by playing music files with low compression levels. Most people compress their music files especially when they are transferring them from a computer to a phone or an external audio player. This affects the general audio output when music is played. Audio files are usually defined by their bit rates. For music to be heard clearly, the bit rates should be higher.

Another method is to bypass the digital to analog converter found in car audio systems. This is because most modern speakers work well with digital audio. Furthermore, analog conversion reduces the bit rate of music files hence affecting the noise output. In order to bypass this default setting, you can connect your phone to a newly acquired stereo using a data cable.

You can also install noise deadening equipment to capture unwanted vibrations or noise emitted by a speeding car. Note that as a car covers more kilometers in an hour, noise and vibrations can be heard on the door and window panels. It is also difficult for music to be heard when a vehicle is moving fast. This defect can be rectified by installing deadening devices on the door and window panels.

Another device that can be added to your stereo system is an amplifier. This device enables car speakers to produce high volume without interfering with the resonance quality. It is advisable to use an amplifier on newly acquired subwoofers and speakers. This is because most amps do not work well with inbuilt speakers. In addition, most inbuilt car stereos have power outputs less than ten in watts.

You can add an equalizer or a signal processor in your automobile stereo. Most car interiors have defects in terms of resonance output. The plastic and glass surfaces reflect reverberation waves while seat covers and carpets soak them up. Purchase an equalizer with an equalization of thirteen bands. This equipment can add more voltage on an amplifier hence increased sound output.

Another technique involves buying a good sub box for the speakers. Sub boxes are normally sealed to prevent leaking of audio waves. They are also made of air gaped materials and have an aesthetic design to suit the interior of your car. The interior volume of the sub box should match the speakers installed in it. A mismatch in the volume can cause poor performance.

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