The Flag Company Inc And Oman Flag

Written By Admin on Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016 | 01.41

By George Broun

Oman is the oldest independent state in the Arab world. By the 18th century, the Omani Empire stretched from present-day Oman down the east coast of Africa. A new era began in 1970 when Sultan Qaboos bin Said changed the name of the country from the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman to simply Oman.

The History of Oman can be traced back to the ancient times. Earlier Oman was only a connecting point on the trade routes. It was an area which linked Mesopotamia to Indus valley. The country was not developed at that time. Centuries later ,the southernmost region of Oman gained importance . From ancient times, Oman has maintained strong ties with other civilizations. An important station on the old East-West Silk Route, it was a flourishing Indian Ocean commercial and maritime center right up until the end of the 19th century.

The Oman flag was adopted on November 18, 1995, after modifications were made to the Oman flag of 1970. A coup d'etat by the son of the ruling Sultan in 1970 resulted in a name change from the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman. At this time, white and green horizontal stripes and the country's emblem were added to Oman's previous entirely red flag.

The ruling sultan was deposed on July 23, 1970, and the new sultan, Q?b?s ibn Sa??d, began to modernize the nation: he changed its name to Sultanate of Oman and, on December 17, 1970, introduced the new national flag.

For centuries, the flag of Oman was plain red and represented the indigenous people. However, 1970, the new Sultan had other ideas regarding the flag's design: it has introduced green and white stripes and added the national symbol of the Albusaidi Dynasty (the dagger) to it.

The color white historically represents the imam, the Islamic religious leaders of the country and also stands for peace and prosperity. Green is the color of Islam and represents the fertility of the country as well as Al Jabal al Akhdar (the Green Mountains) in the north-east of the country.

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