The Various Teachings Of The Episcopal Church In Lake Norman NC

Written By Admin on Jumat, 16 Agustus 2019 | 05.41

By Roger Moore

Christianity has a rich history. No one can stop Christianity. Many famous men and women tried to stop Christianity but they failed miserably. That is the reality. It is the truth. Christianity is the fastest growing religion on earth. Every day, many people usually convert to Christianity. Even in countries where Christians are persecuted such as Saudi Arabia it is still possible to find thousands of Christians. There are two major Christian denominations. They are Catholicism and Protestantism. The Episcopal Church in Lake Norman NC is part and parcel of Protestantism. America is a Christian nation.

All Episcopalian teachings come directly from the Bible. This is the holiest book in Christianity. Heaven and earth will definitely pass away with a great bang. However, no single word of Scripture will pass without fulfillment. Scripture has two sections. They first section is Old Testament and the second section is New Testament. The first book of the Bible is Genesis and the last is Revelation, which documents end times.

The core Episcopalian teaching is morality. Believers need to lead a moral life. Morality should not be the exception. It must be the order of the day. Moral living means avoiding sin by every means possible. A Christian needs to live a sinless life. He should strictly abide by the Ten Commandments. Believers should be the light of the world.

Churches normally preach against sin. There is no one in this world who can say that he has never committed sin. That is a lie. Every human being is born in sin. There is original sin that was passed down from Adam and Eve. Humans also continue sinning during their earthly life. Sin makes the world a bad place.

There is the teaching of salvation. According to this teaching, any sinner can be forgiven of his sins. Forgiveness is offered free of charge. One does not have to pay any money so that to be forgiven of his sins. The only thing that one has to do is to ask for forgiveness and to subsequently repent of all his misdeeds.

As a matter of fact, baptism is an important Christian ritual. It is a rite of passage for every believer. The first birth is not sufficient. There is also the need for the second birth. This is spiritual in nature. One will be baptized using water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy. Baptism involves entering the water.

A baptized Christian should follow the straight and narrow path of life. This is the path that leads to life. There is also need to pray without ceasing. Prayer should be part and parcel of the Christian lifestyle. A prayer does not have to be complicated. It should be as simple as possible. One should pray before taking meals.

It is advisable to attend service on Sunday. By doing so, one will be able to congregate with believers from the different walks of life. Christianity is not a lone wolf endeavor. A believer should not merely be a Sunday or a Saturday Christian. There is the need to practice the faith all the days of the week. Most churches in America have weekday services.

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