The Methodist Church Lake Oswego Religion Is An Important Part Of Christianity

Written By Admin on Kamis, 15 Agustus 2019 | 05.46

By Joyce Bell

Christianity is the most populous religion on earth. It has billions of followers. Christianity is a religion that emphasizes on morality. Christianity did not start yesterday. It has been around for thousands of years. In addition, it will not end any time soon. Christianity will continue existing till the end of time. Every year, millions of people usually convert to Christianity. It is the fastest spreading religion on earth. There are two major Christian denominations. They are Protestantism and Catholicism. The Methodist Church Lake Oswego religion is a Protestant Church. Other Protestant churches are Baptist and Anglican churches among others.

The United States of America is a Christian nation. It was founded on Christian principles. America is one of the largest Christian nations on earth. Most Americans self identify as Christians. The founding fathers of America were all Christians. They created a constitution that was greatly inspired by the Holy Bible. That is why America is a successful country.

Methodism is based on the Holy Bible. Scripture plays an important role in Christianity. It is not possible to separate Scripture from Christianity. That is the reality. It is the truth. The Holy Bible has two major sections. They are the Old and New testaments. It all starts with the book of Genesis and ends with the book of Revelation that deals with end times.

To become a Methodist, one needs to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Baptism will take place in a river or a lake. The water will first need to be blessed by a pastor. One will enter the water as an old creature and will come out of it as a new creature. Baptism marks the start of a brand new life.

Baptism is not the end of the road. Rather, it is the beginning of the Christian journey. Baptism should not be the exception. It must be the order of the day. A baptized Christian should persist in righteousness. Christians need to avoid sin. Actually, sin is a bad thing. It makes the world to be a bad place to live in.

Prayer should be part and parcel of the Christian lifestyle. Prayer will make a person to grow in the faith. Those who do not pray will easily fall into temptation. Prayer is not a luxury. It is a basic need in Christianity. There are many reasons why people pray. One of such reasons is to be able to find solutions for problems.

Born again believers will not die. Instead, they will live forever. Death marks the start of a new life. Eternal life will be spent in heaven. This is a beautiful place where there is no suffering. Everybody on earth will face judgment. One will be judged according to his earthly deeds. Sinners will end up in the pits of hell.

Christianity is all about love. Christians are instructed to love their neighbors as they love themselves. All the laws and commandments can be summarized into one word: love. When there is love, there will be peace and harmony on earth. Hate creates a hostile society. Hate can lead to war and conflict. People need to learn to forgive others.

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