Better Visibility Through Social Recommendations

Written By Admin on Rabu, 06 Februari 2013 | 01.01

By Elizabeth Hanson

Product and services have relied on various advertisement platforms to reach out to target customers. Celebrities have endorsed products through radio and television adverts. The internet has created a revolution on access to products and services. This has lead to the rise of social recommendations as a way of establishing the legitimacy of a product or service.

Innovations around products and services are forcing customers to use the internet as decision making too. This platform offers incredible options on how to access these products. One may attribute this growth to the convenience the web offers and the fact that it is cheaper and affordable.

Buyers are also basing their decisions on the trust. Finding a friend or colleague within a certain social network is more attractive than listening to the advice of strangers. People are gradually moving from the crowd to friends and relatives who can easily connect through various web platforms.

Social media offers an opportunity for buyers to share their experience about a product of service. These experiences are emotional and not edited. The reaction is instant and can lead to a viral response. This will indicate the actual market reaction. Companies can use this to stir the market and lead to an increase in awareness and eventual use.

The web has saved a lot of time that would have been used in searching for information and comparing products. Real time chats allow individuals to seek information instantly. Not much is given but that is sufficient to make a purchase decision. This information is sourced from friends and relatives whose response is trusted and is considered objective.

Social recommendations are driven by personalization which cuts across the demand for all products and services. There are companies that have categorized preferences and used them to increase uptake. An example is spotify which clusters music according to taste. This makes it possible to identify genuine popularity. Etsy is using facebook connections to introduce gifts to friends.

Travel is another specific industry that is exploiting this platform. People are not interested in endless advertisements. They would rather consult a few friends within their circle who will recommend the best sites, hotels, airlines, etc. Companies will require to work towards infiltrating people on this media to introduce their products to friends and relatives.

A company must create a unique model that will drive its goods or services. This is followed by identification of individuals who can bring the right people to view your page and products. One should be cautious of increasing the numbers without creating the required sale impact.

There is another system called people recommendation where a person extends an invitation to another. This is used on platforms such as Facebook and Linkedin. A client is comfortable with people he or she knows, shares interests or work in the same profession. Their word carried more weight than a celebrity advertisement.

product review are a great web revolution that is driving business growth for many companies. Finding the right approach requires a critical analysis and the guidance of a qualified individual. This is a cost effective way of reaching out to the increasing crowd on social media.

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